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Jacob's Pov
School ended and I started walking with Kendall to her house. Our assignment was to make a solar system. We finally got to her house. It was huge.

Kendall's Pov
"Alright, we should get started, I'll go get the supplies from the closet." I  went to the closet and grabbed as much as I could hold.

"Jacob can you give me hand pl-" I looked up and Jacob was no where to be seen. Not in the living room , kitchen , or bathroom. No. He wouldnt dare. I ran up stairs to see my door wide open. I walked in to see Jacob with his back turned. He was reading something. No way, this cupcake wouldn't dare.

Jacob's Pov
I got bored waiting for Kendall so I decided to wait in her room. I sat on her bed. I scanned the eyes landed on a book. It was a black leather book. I thought I shouldnt read it because it was most likely a diary. I couldn't help the urge to see if she wrote about me. I picked up the book and started flipping through the pages. I fianlly landed on the page where it had the date of the first day of school. I started reading.

Kendall's pov
"Jacob!" I said.

"Jesus Christ!" he said sounding a bit scared.

"What you got there ?" I said raising one eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Your diary, and  I mean it is pretty interesting." he said sounding cocky and with a smirk on his face.

"I dont know what your talking about Sartorius, now give it back." I said. I forgot I wrote about him.

"Sure you do , I'll read it to you." he said taking a step forward

"He was hot. Really hot. I was addicted to that smile, that body, that laugh, I was addicted to him. I wanted more. I couldn't be with him. Marks more like me. But I've always had a craving sensation for a bad boy like Jacob" he said.

"Then why did you say yes to Mark?" he said with a sadden look as he took another step closer.

"Because. Your bad. Mark is good." I said.

"But you have sensation for me dont you.." he said taking another step.

"I-" nothing, nothing could come out.

"So you like bad boys..." he said. My face inches away from his. He pressed his lips against mine. It was just like the closet incident. But this time, I didnt pull away. I didnt want it to stop. I wanted him. I craved him. He's all I want, but can't have. He kissed my neck and kissed my sweet spot.

Damn you Sartorius.

"Jacob." he looked up and his eyes were glowing the hazel color they were.

"Yeah..." he said.

"I cant" I said walking away.

"We should really get back to work" I said walking out of the room. We started working on the project.


"Why?" he said .

"Why what?" I said as I glued on a piece of construction paper.

"Why cant I have you?" he said as he put down the sissors.

"Because Jacob, I can't, I'm not making the same mistake." I said .

If only he knew.


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