Chapter 41: Marissa's BDay!

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Hey I hope you like this chapter.

(Riker POV)

It has been a few weeks after my parents left the kids home. Today is Marissa's 14ths Birthday. We are having a surprise party for her. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees the present I got her. Ida is flying Marissa's parents and sister out here for her bday. Its 5 in the morning and Marissa is still asleep. Ida and I are on our way to the airport to pick up Marissa's parents and sister. I put on the radio and I guess Ida's favorite song was on. It was a song by Justin Bieber. It was called Cold Water. I kind of like it too.

"I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you. And although time may take us into different places, I will still be patient with you. And I hope you know" Ida started singing.

"I won't let go. I'll be your lifeline tonight. I won't let go. I'll be you lifeline tonight." Ida and I sang. As the song ended I gave Ida the last chorus part.

"I won't let go, no no, no no no no. I'll be your lifeline tonight You won't let go. I'll be your lifeline tonight. I won't let go. I won't let go." Ida sang by herself. After the song ended I looked at her. "What?" She asked.

"Your a really good singer. Why don't you sing in front of big crowds? Or why weren't you famous before you performed with us?" I ask.

"Well I tried but I kind of have a little bit of stage freight when it comes to large crowds like the one at six flags." Ida explains.

"Oooooohhhhhhh! Gotcha!" I say. We finally arrive at the airport and Ida gets out of the car and runs to the Hardings.

"Mr. and Mrs. Harding! Omg I missed you!" She says and hugs them.

"What am I chop liver?" Marissa's sister says.

"No! I missed you too!" Ida says and hugs her.

"Hi Riker!" I turn around to see Mrs. Harding standing there.

"Hi Mrs. Harding!" I give her a hug.

"Oh don't be silly! Call me mom!" Marissa's mom says.

"Really?!?!" I ask.

"Yeah!" She says. I put the luggage in the car and we head off. The Hardings are going to stay in a hotel until the party so Marissa doesn't find out about them. I helped them carry their stuff to the rooms and told them to be at the house at 6:30 for the surprise party. After that we leave the hotel and drive home. It was only a five minute drive home. And it was 7am. Ida looks tired. And the girls shouldn't be up till 9 to go out for Marissa's bday.

"Hey Ida?" I say breaking the silence in the car.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"When we get home you can go back to bed if you want." I tell her.

"Ok!" She says. We get home and no one is awake. I left my clothes in the downstairs bathroom just in case Marissa woke up when I walked in the room. I don't want her to be suspicious. I change and shake my hair so it looks messy. I walk back up stairs and open the door. She was sound asleep. I get back in bed and she rolls over and cuddles with me. I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

(Ida's POV)

I walked in the room and got change back into my pjs in the bathroom. I walk out of the bathroom and Ross groans. "Ida?" Ross says in his hot morning voice.

"Yeah? I'm back." I say climbing into the bed. He pulls me closer to him and I can fell his bare chest. "Ross?" I ask.

"Hmmm?" He groans again.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" I ask.

"So that you can feel my abs as you fall back asleep." He says in his hot morning voice again.

"Good thinking." I say and I turn and face his face and he opens his eyes. I kiss his nose and he smiles falling to sleep. Not too much longer I fell asleep.

Hey I hope you like this chapter. There will be a part two to this chapter. So stay hanging there's more. Pls comment and vote.


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