Løve Døesn't Die

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"Love doesn't die," she states and I look up confused, "Love is unconditional. It is the flame kept ablaze because you kinder it. Tyler, even if I was dead, it wouldn't have mattered. You would have loved me and I would have died loving you. Pardon my French but Goddammit, Tyler, just believe me when I say love doesn't die."

"While you are convincing, I would hate loving you unconditionally if you weren't here. It would be setting myself up for disappointment, it would be... pointless. Pointless to wait for something I can't have," I say and I hear Blurryface laugh somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind.

She grabs my face, "But I'm here, aren't I? Alive." One of her blonde locks falls out of place without her noticing and I struggle to fight back the urge to touch it.

"Tyler!" I hear to my left. I spin around and I'm met with my red-haired friend, Josh Dun. He collapsed onto me with a hug, "Why the forest?"

I sigh and lay back on the ground and my friends do the same. It's silent for a good while before you hear Skylar speak up, "If someone throws a tree at you, aren't they technically throwing shade?"

That really got to Josh. He cracked up for at least 5 minutes straight. I should really apologize to Skylar for being so selfish lately but I can't bring myself to do so.

"It's only a matter of time."

I grit my teeth at the comment. I don't know why he has to be torturous, he could've been a nice voice. I'm not even sure what he said means.

We're still laying here about 2 hours later which gives me a lot of time to think. I wrote a song about the forest once. The forest was almost like a safe haven but now it's just a place I run to question things like my sanity.

Last week I had finished and released the album I was working on. I was so.. numb that I couldn't even think of a proper title for it so I named it after Josh and I's band, Twenty One Pilots. We've had a few listeners, they mostly refer to it as 'The Self-Titled Album' which is perfectly okay with me.

'I know where you stand
Silent in the trees
And that's where I am
Silent in the trees
Why won't you speak
Where I happen to be
Silent in the trees
Standing cowardly'

I have no idea where the words came from but I think I just got a new song idea.

I glance over and see Skylar had fallen asleep, "My pretty sleeper," I think. I pull out a pen and scribble my new sentence on my arm.

"What are you doing?"

I look over at my band mate, "Writing ideas for a new song."

"Oh cool! Can I hear?" he asks, eagerly.

I smirk, "It's not perfect but here's my thought pattern."

I sing for him the little fragment I've come up with and he smiles from ear to ear, "That's pure gold!

"You think so?"

"I know so. Tyler, this new album is gonna be huge."

I giggle, "Whether it does or not it won't change my drive for songwriting."

"That's good," he leans back on his hands, "It's good to have the mindset you won't fall victim of fame. And that's what we do, right? As band mates and friends, good friends, we set each other straight if we lose sight of our purpose."

I stare at the ground and smile, "I'm glad to have you as a band mate, Josh. Your vision isn't altered by what we could be."

He snickers, "Yeah, what we could be... Hey don't forget, graduation is next week."

I face palm, "You know, I totally forgot."


I look up and notice the setting sun, "I think it's time we head home," I tap Skylar awake.

"Who's taking me home?" She asks.

"I will," I offer.

"No, Tyler, you get home and go to bed. I'll take her home," Josh commands.

"You sure?" I ask him and he nods so I turn to her and she does the same, "Alright, see you at school."

"See you!" They say in unison. I wander through the trees until I find my car with their's behind it. I jump in and sigh at the thought of a restless sleep.

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