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I awake to my arms bound behind my back and my feet tied together. The smell of dirt and hay overwhelms my senses. I'm in a barn.

"What even.." I whisper. Then boots crunch in front of my face, causing me to shudder.

"Oh good, you're up. Get enough beauty sleep, Princess?" I hear a familiar voice ask and I suddenly remember what's going on.

"Adam what the hell are you doing," I growl. He places his boot on my stomach, making me cough.

"Don't test me, Girly," he paces in a slow circle before continuing on, "You're not my first," he laughs, "I've hurt other people-- hell, I've killed others before."

My eyes widen and he smiles, "What can I say? I'm a talented man."

"More like a wanted man.." I say under my breath.

"True, true. But the police are too stupid to catch me; they can't even predict my next move," he smirks.

"I don't care if you kill me," I roll to face away from him, "Just do it already." I think of all the good times I've had with Tyler and Josh and a tear slips down my cheek. I will never see them again. And a life without them is a life I don't want to live.

"Easier on my part," I hear a scraping sound and a sharp pain in my upper arm. I grit my teeth.

"Funny, most of them scream during this part," he chuckles. When he's finished I glance at what he's done.


"Victim number 7.." He paces, "When will they learn the pattern, Skylar?" I suddenly hate my own name. He takes hold of my face and brings it near his, "I will be known. You're making it easier what with your close ties to that famous singer," he lets go of me, "The world will one day know my name."

Adam wraps his hands around my throat and squeezes. I gasp for air but it doesn't come. My vision goes black around the edges and I just barely get a glimpse of his horrific face. He lets go and I drop to the ground. I'm glad I'm going to be murdered because otherwise that face would give me night terrors.

I can hardly keep my eyes open but I see him grab a hammer from a shelf and approach me, "Let's finish this," a grin spreads across his face. I clench my eyes shut I hear screaming and yelling and when I open my eyes something immediately slams into the back of my head.

We drive for 2 hours all around Boston, not a clue turns up.

"Tyler, please pull over," Josh asks. I sigh and do as I'm told.

"We've tried our best, Tyler. I think it's best we leave it to the professionals.."

"But they aren't searching! They'll only search once she turns up dead," I spit.

"She's no where to be found! What do you propose we do?" Josh throws his arms in the air. I just look ahead but I see something that catches my eye, something shiny. I quickly jump out of the car and run to it, "Tyler? Tyler!" I hear my friend call.

Upon closer inspection, I find a rose-gold watch, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Skylar's. I get a flashback of seeing her in the restaurant. I pick up the watch and look at the red barn doors before me. I hear muffled commotion inside and my friend appears beside me.

"Tyler, wait--" Josh is cut off by me opening the door and seeing a broken Skylar tied up on the ground with a man standing over her wielding a hammer.

I run at him while screaming, Josh is screaming my name I think. I watch him hit her in the head with it as I collide with him. I land on him on the ground and his hammer goes flying. I look up to see Skylar's body fall limp.

"Josh!" I cry, "Call 911!" I'm afraid to let him get up but I want so badly to rush to her side. Her golden locks fall messily around her face, just as I remember. Silent tears slide down my face.

I hardly remember the flashing lights coming to take her away, or how they had to pry me off of her ex because I was too in shock to cooperate.

Josh is talking to a cop himself, "--yeah he'll be locked up for a longgg time.. He's had many victims, sir."

"How has he gotten away all this time?" My wide-eyed friend asks.

The police officer shrugs, "Something we'd like to know ourselves." I slowly get up and walk myself into the conversation. The officer looks sad then pulls out his wallet, revealing a picture of a beautiful lady, "This was my daughter, Selena. He got her too," he tucks his wallet away and sniffles, "Victim number 3..."

"I'm sorry," Josh says quietly.

"I'd love for him to receive the worst punishment in the world, much like you, but duty calls and torture is unconstitutional. I'd say a life sentence but who knows? One can only pray," this is the most real cop I've ever met, "I just hope your friend is okay.. I'll be praying."

My heart drops at the mention of her, "Th-ank you," I say between anxiety pangs.

"You alright, Buddy?" Josh grips my shoulder. I avoid his eyes and nod. I'll manage. Well, I'm not even sure if I'm okay.. But Josh can't know that, I don't need him worrying.

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