Chapter 5.

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*Sam's POV*

"She's not here!" I shouted into the headset, banging my hand against the wall.

"We'll find her, don't worry," Claire said to me.

"This is the 4th place we've tried in the last two weeks! Where the heck did they take her?" I asked stressed and worried, pulling at my hair.

"I don't know Sam, but we're doing our best to find out," I heard Austin say through the headset, and I could tell he was stressed out as well.

"Austin's right, we just need to get back to headquarters and re-group." Clair says as she rubs her forehead.

"All right let's go." I sigh and hang my head, then follow Claire back to the van.

as we drive back to HQ, i look out the window and think of every possible scenario that we've went over and ones that we still need to consider. millions of thought were running through my had, and i couldn't stop a single one or slow them down either. as we pulled up to the building, i hopped out of the van and march my way up to the briefing room with nothing and everything running through my head at once.

People looked up at our entrance and I could see the hope in their eye's, but then they would downcast them and they would be filled with sorrow at the sight before them. They were all pretty attached to sadie, considering almost everyone here practically raised her, and they were heartbroken when they had heard what had happened.

I shook my head a them and they gave me sad smiles, I tried putting a smile on my face but I think it came out more as a grimace. Forgetting the smile, I just continued on my way, and sighed when I got into the elevator with Claire and Austin.

Just as the door dinged open, we came to a stop as fast as we were exiting the elevator. My eyebrows rose and I shared a look with Austin, he nodded and we both hastily made our way to the briefing room.

"You came." Austin spoke first, getting the attention of Nate.

"Of course, sorry i'm late." He tried joking but not even he laughed.

"Nate?" Clair asked confused. She then looked between me, Austin and Nate, trying to figure something out. "why are you here? And how do you know him?" she turned on me after she glared at Nate.

"You guy's didn't tell her yet?" Nate asked, raising an eyebrow at us.

"Hey, don't look at me. I would have taught that the boyfriend would have said something," I said smirking at Austin.

"Right..." he dragged out then looked towards Claire innocently.

"Ugh. We'll talk about this later, just tell us why you're here," Claire sighed.

"yes ma'am." Nate mock saluted her. "I've been doing research into everything.... Hey, where greg?" he suddenly asked.

"Right here." Greg said just as he walked in. "nice ti see you boy." Greg grinned at him.

"Anyway, as I was saying-I've been doing research into everything , and the only thing i've found so far was all the same locations that you guys have."

"Great, how is that going to help us?" flair narrowed her eye's at him.

"let me finish." e rolled his eyes at her. "so after that, i went a completely different way with everything..."

"What did you find?" Greg asked after Nate trailed off.

"Greg... did you ever think that..." he never finished.

"I have, but we have proof of his death."

"maybe, maybe not.... I think it is," he shrugged his shoulders sadly.

"Who?" I asked eagerly.

"I'll find out for sure, we'll do extra examination on all the evidence, if they somehow tricked us... we'll figure it out." Greg suddenly said. "And i'm not saying any names till I know for sure, I don't want to lead us down a trail of never ending possibilities," greg briskly left the room with that statement.

"What was that about? Who?" Austin, Clair and I all asked at the same time.

"Let him do his research first, like he said. We don't want to get all of our hopes up, nor do we want to go down another path that would lead us nowhere."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned against the wall, then perked up slightly when I heard Clair speak up.

"All right! So who wants to be the one to tell me whats going on? Why Nate's back?" Clair crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow at Austin and Nate.

"I'm out," I called. "as entertaining as it would be to hear all of this... this has nothing to do with me, so i'm just going to go crash," I jerked my thumb towards the door.

"What?!" Austin suddenly protested. "you're so apart of this."

"Don't worry dude, if it comes up, i'll tell it for you." Nate says while smirking towards Austin.

"Night then!" I call then hurry out of the room and make my way to my own.


Sadie's POV

"Sam?" I squinted my eye's to make sure I wasn't seeing anything. "Sam?"

"Sadie!" Sam smiled at me. "Your safe." He whispered.

"Where am I?" I asked a I looked around. My surroundings became clear and I saw I was back at HQ in my room, I looked down and saw that I had my white clothes still on and an IV hanging out of my arm. I held up my arm to examine it, curious as to why I would need an IV, when Sam sat down on the foot of my bed. "Am I really back?" I whispered.

"You are... wherever you believe you are... wherever you want to be." He answered, making me look up at him strangely.

"What do you mean?"

"You're dreaming." he shrugged.

"Then why does it seem so real?" I whispered as tears came to my eye's, but I didn't let them fall.

"Because you made it that way, you're in control," he gave me a soft smile.

"How? How is this happening? Why am I able to do this?" I asked confused.

"What's the last thing you remember " He asked me, putting his hands under his chin and leaning his elbows on his knee's.

"um... the memories." I said as I put my hands to my head, rubbing my temples. "are you saying that I still have some of the serum in me? Is that how I'm able to dream this way?" I whispered.

"You tell me," he shrugged. I sighed and leaned my head back on my pillow, wondering where I really was at this moment. I felt the bed shift and felt Sam get closer to me, I didn't move, but waited where I was.

"what are you doing? "

"Trying to comfort you," he said in a sad tone, imaging me look up at him with tears in my eye's.

"I won't be able to feel it." I whispered sadly.

Sam just shrugged and grabbed my hand, he sat me up and pulled me into his arms and wrapped them around me. The tears started sliding down my face at this point because I couldn't feel anything that just happened, it feels like I'm just sitting in a weird position. But when I open my eye's I can see Sam's arms around me, making me almost believe that he's here.

I stayed in his arms until I couldn't cry anymore, then I rested my head on his chest and we sat there in silence until I started feeling this world fading from me, letting me know I was waking up. Slowly Sam disappeared, and then the room it self started to fade until all I could see was black.


My eye's sprung open and I looked around to see where I was at, when they caught sight of my room in the mental hospital, I sighed and closed them back, hoping to fall asleep. But as soon as that thought came, so did pain. I gasped as, what felt like a thousand needles, when shooting into my head. It was pounding against my skull and making me feel like my head was going to explode.

I reached my head up and grabbed at it, hoping to ease the pain, but it did nothing. I took deep breaths to try and calm myself, then sat up a little and look for a cup of water. Nothing was in my room at the moment, so I hoped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I turned on the water and cupped my hands under the faucet to drink from that, hoping that the water would somehow ease the throbbing pain in my head, which was no doubt from whatever I got shot up with. As I drank, I realized that it wasn't getting better, it was getting worse.

I started to gasp for my breath as pain was shooting through my body and pounding throughout my head, I felt like I wasn't in control of anything. My body slid down to the floor with my hands clutching at my head, I was gritting my teeth together so hard that I left like they were about to shatter, a gutted scream was slowly coming up my throat, but it seamed to be stuck.

As I sat there, with my back against the wall, in a fetal position, the door in my bedroom opened. I didn't really pay much attention to what was going on because my eyes were squeezed shut, but I could hear just fine.

"Sadie?" A frantic voice called out and then the sound of rapid footsteps came towards me, letting me know that someone was now crouched down beside me. "Sadie? If you can hear me, do something. Anything." I didn't feel like even thinking about moving, but I help my breath to see if that would help, and then opened my eyes. "I saw Zach in front of my face, a worried and scared look covering his face as he looked at me, but as soon as he saw my open eyes he sighed in relief. "okay, sadie.... I'm going to pick you up okay?" he asked me slowly, I didn't really care if he touched me at the moment though so I just closed my eyes and nodded my head slowly.

Zach somehow slipped his arm underneath my legs that were tucked up to my chin, then slid his arm around my back before lifting me off the ground. I heard him start yelling to someone as he came around and set me on my bed, the noise was making my head worse but I still held in any noises that could escape.

"The morphine could have the opposite effect of what we want, Zach. It's too dangerous for her."

"What's the worst that could happen? It seems like she's about to scream her lungs out any second!"

"She could go into a comma, the medicine could react with the serum and cause her to become a comma patient." I heard people yelling around me, it was causing my head more and more pain. I started to breath even more raggedly, barely even able to suck my breaths in between my clean head teeth.

"It's something I'm willing to risk if it could mean peace for her instead of this constant pain she's been in for the last 24 hours." The next thing I knew, a needle was shoved into my neck. I started to hiss, but as soon as I felt the sting, I left it leave. My pain in my head was slowly starting to dissolve too, I opened my eyes and glanced up at Zach who seamed anxious and concerned. "Sadie? How do you feel?" He asked slowly, his voice a little wobbly.

"I feel... I feel fine." I sighed, "But... Kinda... Tired." The pain in my head was gone, but it was starting to feel heavy and clouded.

"Thank god..." He sighed, leaning back into the chair he was sitting in. "You had me worried there for a minute." He chuckled humorlessly.

"Zach... I'm… I'm...." I closed my eyes, too tried to fight the temptation.

"Sadie! No, no, no, no, no. Don't go to sleep, you might not-" he started chalking me, but I could hear anything else. Darkness was closing in on me, but there was no pain this time, so I welcomed it it with open arms.


here you go! sorry it's so short, but ive been buys with getting everyhting ready for school and then enjoying the last days of my holidays with my fruends. Hope you like it! let me know what you think!:)

what do you think is going to happen now? comment below!


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