Memories Suck even when that person has been gone for awhile

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  • Dedicated to My dead bff. Lily, 1999-2012 love you best ie.

Last time

She left and tears fell down my face as I watched her walk away forever.

Ryland pov

It has been 2 hours since Taylor left and Catlin hasn't left the beach. She won't leave the spot her and Taylor met at. It was down by our house we live in now, we were visiting a family member and weridly so was Taylor. They bumped into each other right in front of our house now's deck, and they became best friends. They had known each other since they were 2 years old and were friends but then Taylor's grandfather died and she had to vist down here for a little bit. Once they became best friends they never were apart. If one went to the bathroom so did the other. If one asked to go to the office so did the other. We learned along with Taylor's mom that they did everything together so we let them, and soon enough so did everyone they knew. When they met someone 2 hours later they would know by watching them. So back on topic, we created a system to use till Catlin looks ok which she says she fine and damn that girl can act but we know she's not. So Rydel takes first shift since she's a.girl,Riker takes second shift cause thats the time she usually cries and cries alot and he is the oldest and most experianced in that,Ross takes 3rd shift since he can do anything girly like shop,Rocky we had know where to put him so we just put him here, and I'm her favorite so I get the last and longest shift then we start again. We also took her out of school but so did Rachel's mom and Danielle's. Our parents are coming home early we called them on the way to the airport and they took they next flight and being they were only in New Mexico they should be here in 30 minutes a least. Its Rydel's shift so me and the boys are watching tv.

End of pov

Rydel pov

I finally got Catlin to come in by bribing her with chosing what to watch on tv. Its a way to get her to come in and have entertamiment with the boys with reaction.

End of pov

Catlin pov

Rydel finally bribed me to come in by letting me chose the tv show or channel.... for a week so I took the deal and went inside. My favorite show is Life with boys and the boys think its to girly and look at that its time for it now. Plus I have over 12 on our dvd. I swear that show is addicting. "Remote". I said. "What you're not glued to the spot on the beach". Ross said being a smart ass. "Haha very funny now remote". "Why"? Rocky asked. "It was the only way I could get her to move. She gets to pick what we watch". Rydel said. "What oh fine". Rocky said and handed me the remote. I took it and turned it to teen nick to watch Life With Boys of course. Rydel snikered cause she knew they hated it. She also loved it to and we liked for the same reason. Gabe is hot. "Why do you watch this show anyway". Oh no that brought back memories.

*Flashback 3 months ago*

"Hey Cat do you want to watch tv". She asked. "Sure". I said. "What we watching"? "Life With Boys". She said. "I don't even get why you watch that show". "Cause Gabe is so hot". She said. *two hours later*. "How many episodes have we watched". She asked me. "I don't know I lost count when I saw Gabe". "Told ya". She said

*End of Flashback*

She was the one who got me hooked on it and ever since then I never stopped watching it. "Hello Cat". "Yeah". I said. "Ryland asked why you watch this show". "Ummm I don't know I do". I asked sounding unsure. Dammit of course my acting skills go away when I need them. "She's afraid to tell us". Ross said. "No I'm not". "Yes you are". Rydel said. "Rydel shut up". She put her hands up in defense. "Wait you know why she likes it"? Riker said. "No... well yeah but she doesn't know the full story. Two years ago at a friends house-". "Wait would this friend happen to be in a different state right now". Rocky asked. "Maybe now when I was at their house they made me watch it. We lost count of how many episodes but we estimated about 23. We lost count when we saw Gabe. She watched because he was hot and I watched because she watched it, got me addicted, and Gabe is hot. I only told Rydel about Gabe". I said. I was about to cry at that memory. "It was a great memory. Also it was one of the last ones I have of her. And she was a friend I haven't mentioned since it happened. Her name was Denise, she was Taylor's older sister and my closet friend. We were closer to each other than Taylor and me. She was there that night she had to go to Paris for french class. She left the next day and since me and Taylor weren't up she had to leave without saying goodbye. Now I regret being asleep. On the way to Paris the plane crashed and she died. That night was the last time I ever saw her. When I watch the show I feel like she never left". I said. And man you could sense the sadness in the room. "Was denise the one that we joked about her looking like Selena Gomez". Rydel asked. "Yeah she looked like she could be not just her identical twin but her. I found out two days later when I called her phone and she wasn't answering then someone called back on her phone, I thought it was her but it wasn't it was Taylor. She was crying and I asked what was wrong. And she said you know how I left and didn't want to let you know why. I.said yes. She said that she had to confirm a body cause Denise's plane crashed and they thought they found her body. She said that it was her and she was dead. The funnerl was in Paris and I couldn't go. I never got to say goodbye". "Wow". Riker said. "That's why you never mentioned her I thought you got in a fight when she went to Paris". Rydel said. "Now I know why she won't ever go on a plane and gets really panicked and nervous when someone does go on a plane . She is afraid she will.never see them again". Ryland said. Then I.wished I would have stopped Rachel from going with Taylor for.the first month. "Bad news". Hannah said. "Rachel is dead cause her plane crashed". Danielle said.

Next time

Is Rachel really dead or do they got the wrong person? What will happen to Catlin if she has to deal with losing three people in a 3 month period two being gone forever?

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