Storm's P.O.V
Pinned against a wall isn't very fun but i guess we all deserve it for how we treated our sister, they way she could handle all the shit we put her through, Your probably thinking how cruel we are to her but the thing is we didn't really wanna tease her especially Micha, he hates himself every night for hurting her but we had picked on everyone else at school except our other friends or the whores of the school we need to get some from somewhere
I mean we love our little sister and would kill any one who actually hurt her, I just wanted a reaction out of her, A sob, A tear, Anything but nothing so we stopped talking to her at school and just picked on her more, Then we told the whole school she wasn't our sister and them being the dumb cunts they are believed us.
Mum's hand around my throat started to tighten, I started struggling for air
My sister fell to the ground clutching her throat struggling to breath to as she can feel mine and Gabe's pain
"Hey what's goi-. . . MUM!!!!" Kale and Riley screamed running over to Sky with tears in their eyes
Mum let go of our throat and ran over to Sky who looked back at me and Gabe with tears rushing down her face it broke mine and my three brothers hearts seeing our only sister cry but before we could say anything, Skylar bolted for the stairs
Kale and Riley started shaking really bad, Their eyes turned fully black and their claws and teeth started extending, They where shifting but that's IMPOSSIBLE!!, you shift when your 16 not 10!!!. . . .
Skylar's .P.O.V
I ran to my room with tears rushing down my face, that's all they wanted from me a reaction, A FUCKEN REACTION!!!
i started getting angry, so i bolted down stairs ready to beat the shit out of my brothers and their friends, Until i saw two pitch black wolves advancing on my twin brothers as Gabriel yelled something
Next thing i know I'm pushed to the back of my mind while something took over my body
Everything went blurry, when everything came back to normal everyone was looking at me in shock but Micha eyes held pride and love, that bastard can shove that love up his ass the fucken man-whore
Gabriel's P.O.V
Kale's wolf started to advanced towards me like i was his prey
"KALE BACK DOWN NOW I AM YOUR FUTURE RULER!!!" I screamed at my younger brother but he kept advancing and was about to jump at me
"KALE!! KYLE!! (Kale's wolf) BACK DOWN NOW HE IS YOUR BROTHER, YOU TO RILEY!! RYAN!! (Riley's Wolf) GET OFF STORM NOW!!" Skylar yelled from the kitchen doorway but when we looked at her she looked completely different her dark blue hair was pitch black with white streaks that glowed and her eyes looked it was containing fire from escaping but what scared me the most was my baby sister had bright red extended claws and huge black wings but she also had the most murderous look on her face
"And sorry to disappoint Gabe but you are not the next ruler you fool" and with that the figure that seemed to take over my sister body seem to leave
"Soooooooo, Um mum can i move to New Zealand?" Skylar asked
Wait What!!!
Skylar's P.O.V
"Soooooooo, Um mum can i move to New Zealand?" I asked
Why New Zealand? Well one its beautiful there, two I've always wanted to visit and my best friend moved there four years ago
"OH FUC-" Dad, Gabe,Storm and Micha started while the two younger twins growled but where cut off by mum
"SURE HUN!!!" Mum yelled over top of them
With that i skipped up the stairs and started packing, Im done and sick of everything i will be back but for now I'm moving on
I was cut off from my thoughts when there came a knock at my door
"Come in"
I turned around and stared at them
"We need to talk". . . . .
Who is it???,
Hope ya like
~ Sheri <3 ~

Never Again. ◀Complete & Editing▶
Werewolf❇ Book Two ❇ ♥ The Rejected Mate Series ♥ ◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼◻◼ Skylar Hunter has had a twisted life. One she cannot get her head around. Home life is the best. Loving parents and younger sibli...