Oh Shit!!!

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Skylar's P.O.V

Getting out of the car with the help of my oh so sexy mate's hand, He started to pull me to the front door of the house in the middle


The front door of one of the other houses slamed open and before i knew it, I was wrapped up in a set of arms and judging by the sparks running up my arms i could tell it was the arms of my mate

I knew it wasn't Falcon because this person had a Chocolate and Cream scent while Falcon had a Chocolate and Strawberry scent

"Mine" the stranger said looking into my eyes, oh my god he had the most sexiest eyes ever, not including Falcon of corse

Falcon had amazing sliver eyes while this stranger had sliver eyes but by the pupil was a ring of green

"Mine" Falcon growled pulling me to him

"NO MINE" the stranger screamed trying to get me back

"Scott, She is mine Ford (Wolf), Jeremy (Fallen angel) and Austin (Demon) All say she is mine so she is mine not yours but i will fight you for her" Falcon argued

"Yea well how do you explain Desmon (Vampire) and Nate (Fairy) say she is mine, so i shall accept your challenge to your fight" Scott yelled back

'What so your gonna let them fight or break it up you dumb ass?" Six voices screamed in my head

'Oh yea'

But again before i could another set of arms wrapped around my waist sending more sparks up my arms and holding me in place so i couldn't stop the fight that started to break out

"Calm down little mate, Falcon and Scott are not always like this, so they won't last long" The voice said, He smelt like peaches and cream, i sniffed in his scent so it calmed me down abit

The guy than turned me around so i could get a look at his face, He looked exactly like Falcon and Scott but had green, blue eyes with sliver speaks in them

"Names Noel baby, What about you" Noel said whispering in my ear

"Skylar or Sky" i giggled back

That seemed to snap my other two mates out of their little fight, They both tried to get me out of Noel's arm but before they could Noel put me behind him and growled at his brothers

"Now i might only be a Siren and Warlock, but ill be damed if i, Titan (Siren) or Alexander (Warlock) let you hurt Skylar, Maya or Raven, No i will kill both of you if you hurt any of them" Noel said growling at his brothers again

Then Falcon and Scott's eyes turned pitch black as they got into fighting stances

Oh shit. . .


Hey guys finally i have moved and will be updating a lot more which is good :)
Anyway hope you like the chapter :)



Sheri xx

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