Mummy Peed Herself!!!

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Levi's P.O.V 

I had her back in my arms, My little girl, I finally had her and im never letting her go again, Then we heard someone clear their throat

When we broke apart i saw my mate standing there with tears in her eyes, She came running in and hugged our baby

"Oh My God, Sky I missed you baby, Are you okay?, Is the baby okay?, Did he hurt you?, Can i kill those bastered ex-mates now?" My beautiful mate rambled on, Making me and my daughter laugh

"Love, Calm down okay, Everything is fine and we will sort all that stuff out soon" I said cooning in her ear and kissing her cheek, Making her blush

She turned away from me to hide it, i lifted her chin and kissed her cheeks again

"Don't hide your blush its beautiful just like you" Making her blush even more

"Okay Ewww bro, That's my sister" Drake said walking threw the door with all the other boys and our children

"Oh shut it Drake, I've caught you and Damon doing worse" Andrea shivered at the memory

"Okay that's enough we don't want to hear what father and dad get up to" Dom and Dj yelled out covering their ears (Drake and Damon's kids)

"Well we could, Tell you stories about all  the trouble your parents got upto when we were younger" I told the kids, Who now looked interested

"But we could also tell Your kids remember that Levi" Tyler ( One of Levi's T.I.C) said with a smirk

"And if i recall right it was you who started most things and always got us in trouble with our mates and Andrea" Jc (Levi's other T.I.C) Said

"It wasn't that bad" I teased

"Oh yeah!, That's right you didn't get a beating from your mate or our mates but Andrea's punches hurt dude" Eric whined (Levi's Beta)

"Do yous want another one?" Andrea threaten raising her fist to Eric's arm, Making all of them shake their heads, Even Sky's mates

"Well shut up then" She laughed out as she continued hugged Sky

Then conversation went all around the room until we heard

"Ewwwwwwwwww" Three little voices yell

"What happened boys?" Falcon, Scott and Noel asked bending down to level them selves with their sons

"Mummy" Xavier said

"Peed" Lucas stated

"HERSELF!" Matt screamed

We all turned to Sky who was holding her tummy and looking at it before looking up at us with a terrified look

"My Water Just Broke"




Sheri xx

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