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Skylar's P.O.V

Arriving home with Falcon was the most nerve racking thing I have ever done

Especially when your whole family, Three ex-mates and there six bimbo's in the background smirking (Yes they had two each), Are watching you with a mysterious boy walking out of the forest both having messy hair and slightly swollen lips, Yea probably not the best idea i have ever had

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN AND WHO IS THAT??" Gabriel and Storm screamed looking mad as ever


"Get.Away.From.Our.Mate" My ex-mates said getting mad

Falcon just started to growl and shake I didn't say anything, I just got infront of Falcon, placing the plam of my hand on his cheek to try calm him down

After leaning into my hand he started to calm down and wrapping his arms around my waist but I couldn't say the same for my ex-mates who were ready to attack Falcon and started to run at him

"Hurt him in anyway and ill kill you myself" I growled in a low voice making the earth beneath our feet shake, Stepping out of Falcon arms and moving sideways when he tried to grab me

They stopped mid-sprint looking confused Until i looked at their bimbo's who were trying to impress Falcon by pulling their shirts down,skirts up and having a eye spasm at him or as they call it batting their eyes at him trying to seduce him, Key word trying but actually freaking him the Fuck out by looking at the face he gave me

I stepped back into his arms growling and glaring at the sluts, Who just glared back until Falcon growled at them, Making them flinch

"I won't ask again Sky, Who the hell is he?" Gabriel said lowly

"He is none of your concern brother, Now if you don't mind i need to get to my room" I growled getting angry, That was until Falcon kissed my cheek calming me a bit

"Sure hunni, Go ahe-" But before mum could finish, they butted in

"HE IS NOT ALLOWED IN OUR HOUSE" Dad and my four brothers screamed all together

"FINE, FUCK YOU THEN" I screamed back putting both of my middle fingers up before storming off into the direction of the woods

"BABY GURL WAIT, SKY" Dad said nope not gonna work this time

"LALA" Gabriel yelled but i kept walking

"LALA PLEASE" Storm tried, I still kept walking

"SKY SKY PWEASE" The twins screamed crying trying to run after me but Gabe and Storm stopped them, I stopped mid-step and turned to face them

"No" I whispered with a single tear rolling down my face before i started walking again

"SKY LOVE, STAY" Kody said

"SKY HUN WAIT, NO PLEASE" Micha pleaded


Nothing they said was gonna make me stop until i saw falcon not walking beside me, Why? but at the moment i didn't care i was mad and he would eventually follow, Right? But my questions were answered when i heard his voice

"Baby!!, Stop" Falcon whispered but everyone heard him, Making me stop walking and turn around to look at him

"Come here" He said softly but i just stood there starring at him

"Now baby, I will not ask again" He commanded with his arms open for me

I took of running and into his arms and cried out while he whispered sweet nothings into my ear, comforting me

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