Wait What!!!

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Skylar's P.O.V

I held my eyes shut the whole way to where ever we were going, because not know where i was going was better than knowing

I mean we could end up in the desert for all i know, without food or water but the Moon Goddess wouldn't do that me, Would she?

'It breaks my heart, To know you wouldn't trust me that much child' She said in my head

'But you wouldn't right?' I asked a little worried

'No i would not Sky, Now pay attention to your mate you have finally reached your designation' She replied before dissappering out of my head

I open my eyes as soon as a cold wind hit my skin, Making my teeth start to chatter

Falcon saw this and placed his leather black jacket around my shoulders, Hugging the jacket closer to me and smelling in the scent of Falcon that smelt of Chocolate and Strawberries with a hint of a woodsy smell to add some manlyness

"So do you know where we are Babe?" I asked looking in to my mates Beautiful sliver coloured eyes

"Yes Little mate, We are in a place called England, Brighten, England to be exact, Also knowing as my hometown and home to the War Rising Pack" He replied chuckling

"Really, So i can meet your brothers?" I asked again getting excited

"Yea you can baby lets go" he said pulling me to a car in the middle of a car park

*30 Minutes Later*

Pulling up to three houses all in a row, All white and had the white picket fence, I couldn't help but wonder which one was the pack house

"So which one is the pack house?" I asked Falcon but he just smirked at me an replied

"All of them"

Wait What??


Hey guys sorry its so short but i wrote twice and yea
Hope you guys like it :)



Sheri xx

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