Chapter Seventeen~Be Prepared

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~*~ top left: Radiance top right: Carmen bottom left: Fay and bottom right: Sophia~*~

As we all walk down the stairs I catch eye of Zander in a very fancy tux.

"I'll be back and I'll be in there for the plan, right now though, I wanna go see my mate. Make sure you look like you're totally in love with Matt okay?"

"You got it. Just go and we'll meet you in there." Sophia smiles to me and I walk over to my mate.

"Look at you!" I beam at Zander.

He turns around and looks me up and down.

"Change now." He says coldly.

Ouch. Let me try something... Cue evil grin.

"Psst, yeah right. It's a Fay original and I love how I look. Unless... You don't like how I look? But why wouldn't you like how I look? Am I fat? Ugly? Is it because my thighs touch? Are you ashamed of me?"

Did I ever mention I can make myself cry on cue. Well I can and I love how fast I can do it too. As I went on I could see Zander's emotions change from possessive mate to regret. I feel bad now... Fuck me.

"Babe I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that. I do not want any males looking at you like a piece of meat." He tries to cover up his tracks.

"Listen to me buddy boy, I will wear what I want and by the way, I can handle my own. I've always been able to even before I knew what and who I was. I can kick ass." I explain to him as I wipe away my tears, my fake tears.

"Fine but if I see anyone looking at you like you're a piece of meat or longingly then I'm stepping in. If you don't mind me asking what's with the mask?" Zander says.

"You'll find out." I say and kiss him on the cheek before I head into the ball room.

I have a feeling that this is going to be very fun.

I spot Fay right away with Radiance and Sophia. I walk over with a smile and twirl my mask on my finger.

"Have we spotted the target yet?" I question.

"What are you? A military personnel?" Fay jokes.

I shrug and look around.

"He's over there with his bimbo. I really don't like how he's basically rejected my girl for some fake Barbie." Radiance says, crossing her arms.

"I vote we go for the unconventional way of getting everyone's attention." I smile wickedly.

I know my image of the 'unconventional' way that I wanted to get everyone's attention by was flashing through their heads.

"Carmen, that's not unconventional that's...." Sophia starts but stops to think of a words.

"Crazy, that's is crazy." Fay finishes for her.

"Like I've always said, go big or go home right?" I smirks and I know that they're with me on this one.

"Put on your masks girls, everyone here is about to see exactly what happens when someone pisses off two very magical beings." Sophia smirks and I follow in suit.

I bite my lip and freeze everyone one except the four person who I don't want frozen: Fay, Radiance, Sophia and that prick who's name I don't even know.

I smirk as his confused look when I looks around and sees everyone frozen.

Go! I shouted to my friends and they scattered.

All I can hear is the creepy, childish giggle that Radiance has been practicing just for tonight. We are perfect friends.

"What is going on?" He yells and it echoes through the ball room.

"You pissed off the wrong witch, that's what." I seethe.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"You rejected my sister, one of two prophecy witches and I just happen to be the other."

"This is about a couple night ago? Your sister still hasn't accepted the rejection. Believe me when I say, she should, it'll be better for her that way." He sighs, his facial expressions tell me he's becoming impatient.

I just want to rip his head off his shoulders!

"You rejected me because you thought I would be better off without you? Without my mate? Without my other half? How stupid could you be to think that anyone would be better off without their mate?" Sophia shouts, filling the ball room with anger and sadness.

I cringe as I feel her emotions run through me and I know he can feel it to.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Kyle." He answers.

I feel the room begin to spin. And before I know it, I'm alone in a white room, with the last person I want to be alone with.

"How did you do this?" Kyle asks.

I shrug, "When I'm pissed things tend to happen."

"Listen, I'm sorry that your sister is my mate but I can't do anything about it. My parents already have me arranged to marry Cynthia."

"You mean that blonde bimbo or a Barbie?! You're really going to choose her over your soul mate?" I shout at him.

He is really passing me off.

"It's not like I have a choice! I can't go against my parents wishes! I'd be disowned from my family." He states.

"Listen here Kyle. My sister is the most pure and genuine person that you'll ever get to know and she's is crushed because she believes that you don't want her. Now, I suggest that you choose right now, happiness or black hole, because those are your only two choices and you wolf knows that too. I can feel how upset, angry, hurt, he is knowing that your mate, your other half, is out there hurting and in pain because of you; because you're afraid of your parents." I seethe yet again.

He falls to his knees and I look at him questioningly.

"I want her. I want my mate but I'm a coward, I thought maybe if she saw me kissing another she'd accept the rejection with open arms but I guess not. I'm a coward and she deserves so much more than what I'll be able to give her." He says sadly.

I sigh to myself.

"Listen, if your parents are how you say they are, then you'll have a place with us, with your true mate, here." I tell him. "And no matter how much I hate you for hurting my sister, she won't, and never will, accept the rejection of her one and only soul mate. So when we get out of here, where ever here is, than you better accept my sister. She's your mate for a reason." 

"Are you sure they'll let me stay? I know my parents will not be happy about any of this. If I accept your sister, you better be prepared for a fight; a really big fight." He warns.

"I can handle it, so can Sophia." I guarantee him.

He nods his head and somehow we manage to flash back to the ball room.

Kyle falls to his knees and I give Sophia a look that tell her that everything will be well.

"Where did you go?" Fay whispers in my ear.

"No clue, all I know is that Sophia and Kyle will be okay."

I look over to Kyle and Sophia and I see him whispering in her ear. She's hugging him tight and I can tell that he's accepted her as his mate.

His voice runs through my head with his warning.

Be prepared for a fight; a big fight.

I sight to myself. Well, here goes nothing.


Well, what do you think? I know it been a while and I'm sorry about that but I've been sick lately and just didn't know what to write when finally it came to me this morning.

Anyways I hope you like and keep reading my books


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