Chapter 8

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That morning, I received a text from Jungkook which was odd because he never text me in the morning. I opened the inbox and read the text.

From: Ugly Ass Jung

Yah, I'm going to school early today so just come here by yourself. I'm going to meet Haera first. Take care of yourself while in the way. I'm gonna fucking rape you if I saw a slight bruise on your skin.

What the hell?! Rape me?! Wow, this pervert asshole. But then, I scoffed at my phone sarcastically. Like he would do that to me. You know, we've been touching each other a lot but never in our mind to have a sex. Well, we actually watch porn though but he watch it like every time and would drag me along. That bastard was seriously disgusting. I was forced and not willingly!

For me, raping isn't a joke. Like hell, it's scary. But I know, he won't do that. No matter how horny he is, he won't. Because why? Because if he did, I'm gonna fucking slaughter him right on the bed just before he could take off his pants. It's either he wanted to have sex with other girls or me, I would slaughter him. I've warned him at the first meeting of our friendship though. Never ever ever hurt a girl.

Enough about sex, it's disgusting. I'm only 19 here. Tch!

So then, I threw my phone across the bed and starts to get ready for school. Once I was ready, I got out from my room and once again, empty house. I went to the kitchen counter and saw a sticky note on the fridge.

I'll be back late today. You can invite Jungkook tonight to accompany you. And I left some money on the counter. Buy some dinner then.

I smile when I read the note. It's cute though. Well, nowadays, people would just text their children. So having a dad that would spend a minute to write a note was actually appreciable. I then open the fridge and took out a milk for my cereal. Damn, I love cereal. I would eat cereal for my whole life and after that, hyung would nag the hell outta me because I didn't eat real foods.

I poured some milk in it and my favorite cereal in and sit down on the chair. Once in awhile, I would think about hyung. Every morning, he would give a peck on my forehead and made me some pancakes because he don't want me to eat cereal which I'll get addicted to it for lunch. His raspy deep voice would nag to me for being late to school and whatnot. Tch, that hyung. My thoughts then interrupted by my phone ringtone as I looked at the caller ID.

Crazy Hoobae

I rolled my eyes when I saw the name. The junior in my school. Tch. I accepted the call.


I pulled my phone away from my ear as she was screamed at the other side. Then I placed back on my ear.

"What is it, punk?"

["There's someone bullying Haera sunbae for hanging out with Jungkook sunbae."]

My eyes widened when I heard that. What the fuck is happening?! I was just trying to get a peaceful morning though.

"Then, where's that Jungkook bastard? Why isn't he help her?"

["Some boys took him away, saying that they need him in the basketball team. The girls took Haera sunbae to the changing room. I don't want to tell anyone because they'll do the same thing to the others too."]

I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I grabbed my bag and went out from my house.

"Who's bullying her?"

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