Chapter 13

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I killed a person. The person that I love the most. The person that've been protecting me a lot. The person who cares about me the most, who freaked out when I'm lost, who yelled at the other that tried to hurt me. I've killed a friend.

It's been a week and I don't hear any news about her. I decided to come to school. I hope she was okay and were in class, maybe studying or playing with Jungkook.

Just as soon as I entered the school, I was being thrown an egg on my head. I looked up.


My heart dropped to hear that word. Later on, other students starts to gather around me and throw eggs to me. Some throwing some flour and some cursing the shit outta me. I just stood still there with my eyes starts producing tears.

"Why are you even crying, bitch?"

A group of girls stood in front of me when they all stopped throwing things at me. I stared at them as one of them pushed my head lightly.

"Why are you crying? Isn't it enough to kill Yoon sunbae?"

She mocked. I couldn't help myself but to sobs softly when she said that. Once again, she pushed my head.

"You're so bold to show your face in this school again. What a bitch."

I looked at her. Why do I feel so unfair about everything? She was about to push my head again but I held her wrist.

"I didn't kill her. It was an accident."

She yanked away my hand and pushed my shoulder that I fell on the ground. The others laughed at me as if I was a trash without any feelings.

"Yah! Yoon sunbae had been through a lot all these years. She was just trying to be happy and you're stealing her only happiness! Why are you so cruel to her when she helped you a lot. Backing you up and stuff. Tch."

"Yeah! This is all so unfair to her."

That sentence made my heart hurt a lot. I stood up and give them a cold stare even though my tears keeps falling down.

"You think it was all fair for me?! Yah, you little bitch! This is all unfair for me too. I feel suffocated in my life too. You think I'm happy to be with that Jungkook bastard?! No, I'm not! I feel suffocated that I thought I'm going to die!"

I clutched my chest while crying my heart out. I hate this feeling. I feel suffocated.

"I feel unfair too. Why can't you just stop blaming me? It was an accident. I told you it was just an accident."

I fell on my knees as I keep clutching on my heart. I don't care if anyone think me as a creep. I don't care all that. I just want to feel better. That's all.

"You think we're all gonna fall for that filthy ass acting of yours? Tch! Just die already, bitch. You don't deserve to live especially when you've kill someone."

She said as she throw an egg on my head and left, laughing satisfyingly along with the others; leaving me alone in the hallway, crying. I lowered my head while hitting my chest continuously. I want to feel better too. I wanted be happy too. I feel unfair too. I suffocated in everything. Why do people keep blaming only?


It's been week that she'd been laying here on the hospital bed. Even though that surgery went well, I still couldn't get any sleep because I'm worried that she'd leave me while sleeping. My hands were still holding hers.

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