Chapter 8: Starting over

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Chapter 8: Starting over

Justin's POV

'Man imma bring you down! Prepare to lose!'Fredo taunted. I ignored it and focused my attention on the tv screen and the game. Eventually,it paid off when i won the game leaving Fredo covering his face with his hands in disappointment. I dropped my controller,stood up and put my hands up in the air and did my victory dance. 'Better luck next time Fredo.You could never defeat the mighty Just...' i was interrupted by a light knock on the door. 'Who is ittt?' Fredo called outwith a girly voice. 'Erm its Ariana,can i come in?' a nervous voice replied. Both Fredo  and I looked at each other witheyes widened. Our room was in a mess! 'Urmm hold on for just a minute okay Ari?' Fredo bought us time while we started throwing things around ironically trying to make the room look tidy. Fredo took the air freshener and statrted paying everywhere.'Okay ookay i think thats enough stop it Fredo,youre gonna suffocate me.' I took away the spray from him. 'Oh hi Ariana,whats up' Fredo greeted as he opened the door for her. 'I...uh Justin i...' she stuttered. 'I..shall give you guys a moment then' Fredo then spoke up and left the room. I guided Ari to the sofa and we sat down,with the atmosphere still awkward.

'So...are you okay now? Hows your leg? ' I started off. 'Its..better already. Justin...i...' 'Do you need a moment?' i said as i saw how nervous she was. 'No,..i just want to thank you..for what happened today,..for saving me. I dont even know what i was thinking when i thought i could do the water skiing thing. I mean i cant even swim that well. Plus im really terrified of deep water. I really could have drowned. Thank you Justin. Really.' Her voice started to sound shaky.Tears slowly formed in her eyes and a drop fell but she quickly wiped it away,wanting me not to notice. What happened at the sea today must have traumatised her. 'Heyhey,its alright. Youre actually pretty brave to even try it in the first place.' i tried to console her while rubbing her back. 'Or pretty dumb.' she debated. 'I call that,having guts. Everyone has their own phobia. If it makes you feel better,im terrified of elevators.' She couldnt control her laughter and she let out a chuckle.'There's that smile.' i teased while wiping away her tears with a piece of tissue. 'Anyways,i wanted to tell you something too.' i added.She smiled at me and waited for me to continue. 'Ari,yesterday,at the sea,when we were snorkelling,i..didnt know what came over me.I was thinking about something and i guess i was too distracted by that that i kinda lashed it out on you. Im truly truly sorry Ari. You didnt deserve that.' 'Hahaha Justin,ive already forgotten about that. I mean i was confused at first but dont worry about it,everything's good. I totally understand.' Suddenly Fredo came sneaking into the room and that broke our conversation.

'I guess i should go now. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Good night guys.' she excused herself as i guided her to the door.Before she left for her room,she turned to me one last time. ' always here if you need me okay? ' I nodded and smiled. 'So...did you guys do anything...interesting?' Fredo raised his eyebrows up and down cheekily. I threw the pillow in his face and then tucked in bed,turning in for the night.

The next day...

Ariana's POV 

I woke up the next morning totally feeling relieved and kinda happy. After Justin and i explained ourselves to each other last night, it feels like a whole lot of weight has been lifted off my chest.I got out of bed but Ely and Kaili were still fast alseep. Actually,the rest of the crew still havent woken up. I had no idea why i was awake that early but i was too awake to go back to sleep.I washed my face and brushed my teeth,then quietly sneaked downstairs to not wake anybody. I stared at the amazing view andjust breathed in the fresh morning air. It was already day three in Dominican Republic and that means we only have two more days till we continue the tour. As excited as i was to perform again,i am really gonna miss this place. Suddenly,my phone vibrated. It was Mom. 'Hey mom! How are you? I really miss you.Wish you could see how beautiful this place is.' 'Im fine sweetheart. I miss you too! Maybe you could bring me there someday. Anyways,i just called to make sure youre healthy and eating well. You are eating well right?' 'Hahahah yes Mom,i am. Okay Mom I love you too,I call you again soon.'I ended the call. Mom's always worried about me and my health. But im really grateful she is how she is. If it wasnt for her,i wouldnt be alive today.

(Cliff-hanger hehehe,you'll know more about this in the coming chapters. Okay now,lets continue the story)

I went to the kitchen and had this amazing idea of cooking the crew breakfast. I wanted to thank them for comforting me after the traumatizing incident yesterday. I just remembered that i didnt even tell Mom about yesterday. She doesnt need to get more worried than she already is. I shall just keep that a secret. After about 45 minutes,I was done cooking breakfast.I was quite amazed by the amount of food i managed to cook under that time. Eggs,bacon,baked beans,toasts,sausages,all check.I was just about to put in the tea bag into the pot when i heard someone entering the kitchen. 'So heres the culprit. Something smells really good.' a raspy,sleepy voice spoke. It was Justin. 'Good Morning Justin.You hungry?' 'Quite. Wow,thats some good looking bacon.I didnt know you..cook?' he asked while slowly trying to reach out for the bacon. I swatted his hand away. 'Hahaha wait for the others. Anyways,its not that hard to fry some eggs and bacon you know. Im not that of a bimbo. Hahahah..'  He chuckled.

When the tea and coffee were done,Justin and I carried the plates of food to the outdoor tables. Finally,the crew had woken up,probably by the smell of all the food. 'Weeee bacon!!'Fredo squealed. Eventually everyone was around the table and digging in.

'Okay,first of all,thank you Ariana,for the delicious breakfast. Second,we are gonna head over to the town area,to do a little shopping today.' Scooter annouced. Basically,all the ladies screamed,obviously excited for the shopping. Soon after breakfast,we cleaned ourselves up and got into the bus that was taking us to the town area. It wasnt really that crowded and i think thats why i love this place. We were walking along a market street which was selling all kinds of things form hats to scarfs to bags and the list goes on. Me and Ely were looking at some earrings when we notice a small group of girls sneakily peeking at us.'I think they realise who you are. They seem really excited.'Ely commented. I went over to them and they kinda freaked out.

'Youre..youre Ariand Grande! I love you Ariana,youre amazing!' they managed to let out. 'You guys know who i am? Aww thanks!' 'Youre on tour with Justin Bieber right?' one of the girls asked. 'OMG,youre Elysandra! Justin's dancer! Wait,that means...JUSTIN'S HERE?? 'the girl beside squealed. They rest started jumping up and down totally spazzing. 'Woah girls calm down. Yeahe's here,wanna meet him? Justin,Justin! Come over here for awhile!' i called out to him who was just a few metres away. Justin soon came over to where i was. 'Hey whats going o...' 'AHHHHHHH!!!' the girls started screaming again. 'Looks like i found some of your beliebers here!'i managed to say over the screaming. 'Hahahahaha alright guys calm down. Its nice to meet all of you. ' he said while hugging the girls. 'I LOVE YOU JUSTIN. WE ALL LOVE YOU!' 'Awww i love you guys too! What are you guys up to? Whats these free hugs signs for?' 'We're doing a project for our school. Its sort of a kindness project so we're going around giving people hugs to promote kindness.' the girls replied. Justin picked up one of the signs and looked at me. 'I think i have an idea. Hey guys,come over here!' Justin gathered the crew. 'Lets play a game shall we.Lets see who gets the most hugs. Whoever wins,gets to choose what to do on the last day of holiday.' Justin challenged the crew.'Hey thats not fair!Of course you'll win.' Fredo whined. The girls were still freaked out and jumping up and down.

'Aww come on Fredo,do it for the beliebers.'Justin teased. After much pleading from the girls,Fredo and everyone else gave in to the idea.So after lunch,we met up with the girls again and we each had a 'Free Hugs' sign. We spread out across the market and held up our signs. The girls played as the judge and kept track of the number of hugs each of us received.Nick managed to get quite a number of ladies and Scooter apparently got a few from older women. Fredo was quite popular with the old grannies apparentlty but hes quite good with them. Of course our dear Mr Bieber had a line of ladies ranging from all ages waiting to have a hug. I had a lot of hugs from little girls and boys and even some mothers. But i didnt even think about the game.I was just really enjoying the moment and meeting some of my fans too. Eventually we were all worn out after hours of hugging.No surprise,Justin won with a total of 103 hugs. I think he hugged everyone at the market. It was already evening by then so we treated the girls dinner before leaving the town and going back to the cabin.

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