Chapter 17: Should have known better

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chapter 17.

Ariana's POV.

I froze by the bed for what seem like hours. So deep in my thoughts i didnt even realise Ely got into the room.

'Ariana what is wrong with you? Youve been acting really weird lately-....What is happening,what are you looking at?' She walked over to me and took the camera from my hands.

'Oh my god. Its true then. Youve fallen for him havent you? I knew it!' she exclaimed. 'What do you mean you knew?' i turned to her as she took her place next to me. 'Come on Ari,the way you look at him lately? Its so obvious. Well at least to me. Im just afraid to say anything yet.' she chuckled. I sighed. Did i really made it that obvious. How did i not realise this myself. Gosh,you clueless Ari.

' gonna tell him?' she smirked. 'WHAT? Are you insane? I cant.' 'Why not??' she frowned,her voice getting more serious now. 'I cant Ely. What about Selena? ' 'What about her? Ari they broke up. Whats to stop Justin from seeing other girls? Besides,maybe its time for him to move on. And maybe with you?'

I shook my head. She doesnt understand. This isnt as easy at it looks. 'Look. I know you like him. I see what he does to you.And i think he needs a woman like you too.'
' Really?' She just smiled and shrugged.

Justin's POV

'Justin, you have a radio appearance on Wednesday. You still going?' Allison reminded me. I havent done any interviews lately and honestly i miss it. 'Yup sure. Why not?' She confirmed my schedule and left my hotel room soon after. I was just getting ready to go for lunch until i heard a knock on my door. I went ahead and opened it, thinking it was Allison but it wasnt.

'S..Selena? What are you doing here?' i stuttered. She didnt say anything but just slowly hugged me. As confused as i was,wondering why shes here,i hugged her back,missing every moment of this. I led her in and sat us both on the sofa. 'I miss you.' she started. 'Well,i miss you.' But before either of us said a word,she leaned in and crashed her lips onto mine. I didnt know what to do but kiss back.

Ariana's POV

'Hey everyone. Sorry im late!' i quickly took a seat beside Ely. Everyone else was already at the restraunt,except for Justin. I wanted to ask where he was but then i thought i wouldnt make it more obvious. 'Alright. Few things to discuss. This is Ariana's last week on Believe tour and she'll be leaving us this Thursday. So if any of you would like to confess your love for her, you have until Thursday.' Scooter announced. 'Scooter..' i shook my head. I glanced over at Ely at she was already smirking. Lucky enough Justin wasnt here. But where is he?

I couldnt sleep that night. Thinking about him. Recalling all the time we spent together. My heart was torn into two. One part is telling me to just forget about it but the other is telling me to screw the worries and just tell him. And that part was winning. Im going to tell him.

I didnt get to see him until afternoon the next day,when i was done with my rehearsal. He was in his dressing room so i slowly made my way there, taking deep breaths and recollecting the words i was going to say. But that was no use because everytime i see him, i get speechless. Once i reached the door,i gently knock twice. ' Justin? Its Ariana. Can i..come in?'

Few seconds later, the door opened slightly and Justin's head peeked out. 'Hey Ari,yupp sure come in.' he smiled and opened the door wider. 'So your last few days on my tour.Hope you had fun throughout. Really going to miss you.' My heart started beating fast. 'Thanks Justin. Im really honoured to share this tour with you. Anyways,theres something ive been meaning to tell you. Umm i,...-' I was about to say it until someone came into the dressing room and straight to Justin.

'Babe you ready for your show?' Selena asked and kissed him on the cheek. He shyly smiled and nodded. 'Umm Selena this is-' 'Ariana right? Ive heard alot about you.' She held out her hand and i went to shake it. 'Its nice to meet you. I..didnt know you were here. Im sorry for intruding,maybe i should go first..' 'No no Ariana its okay ,you can stay if you want.' Justin spoke. As much as i wanted to, i know i needed to leave and i think thats what Selena wanted to. 'No its alright, i have to get ready too. I'll see you guys later.' I smiled, and only God knows how painful that was.

I rushed to my dressing room and locked the door,tears already streaming down my face. 'Stop crying Ari. Stop.' i told myself. I cleaned myself up few mins later and got ready for my performance. I should have known better.    

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