Groups at school

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Teacher: today you will all be working in groups!
Teacher: okay, you're one, you're two... Etc.
Teacher:*points at me*
Teacher: you're seven
Teacher: all ones here, all two's here...
Teacher: all sevens here
Me: *walks over to table*
Me: *sees bad boys/idiots heading to table*
Me: *prays*please don't let them be in my group!
Me: dang, they're in my group.
Me: *slumps into seat, trying to be invisible*
Group: *everyone starts working* *very noisily*
Me: *finishes in first two minutes while everyone else is still goofing off, and on question one*
Idiot 1: hey, why are you going so fast?
Me: why are you going so slow?
Idiot 1: *whispers in idiot 2's ear*
Me: you know I heard everything you said right?
Idiot 1: *drop of sweat rolls down forehead*
Idiots 2 and 3: oooooooh she got you good
Idiot 1: sorry.
Me: (didn't actually hear anything)


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