The Unknown..

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"Are you going to help or not?"

The sound of Jezebel's taut voice brings me back from my trance.

"Why do we need to clean off this armor anyway?" I picked up my old Excalibur sword. The light from the sun brought out the hint of blue in the silver blade. I could tell it was still very sharp although it had been years since I last killed with it.

"Why else do you clean your armor Flora?" Jezebel stops polishing her golden breastplate and looks up at me.

I look away.

"I'm just saying Bell, we haven't had a need for it in years."

"Geez, we're only 23" I could see Jezebel's baby face crack a smile and I start to feel the corners of my own mouth curve upward.

Yayin sits beside me."We also thought we didn't need armor the day my 9th tail was ripped off".

The first evil creature we encountered when we arrived here was ruthless. Yayin being the stubborn Kitsune he is immediately went into defense mode. He and the pale faced creature went at it, each landing damaging blows of their own. However, one wrong move costed Yayin his 9th tail. He heard Jezebel start to cry and he turned to look at her. Just when he did, the creature bit down on his tail, wasting no time ripping it off. Evil got away that day, disappearing as soon as me and Jezebel stepped in. I have yet to see that thing again or anything like it. All I have is a picture in my mind. A dark shadow with a pale face, no definite shape or size....and deadly.

"I'm so sorry Yayin" Jezebel pokes out her bottom lip.

"It wasn't your fault Bell" He kisses the top of her head and gets up. "I'll be back ladies, I have some errands to run."

"Be careful!" I yell after him as he walks off.

It's 10:30 p.m. and the house is usually buzzing with noise at this time, but tonight it was quiet. I don't hear the t.v., laughter, no chatter....nothing. Something's wrong..........."Fuck!" I rush to Jezebel's room.

Careful not to startle her, I ask in a quavering voice, "Where's Yayin? I don't think he's come home yet.."

She jolts up and I can see worry in her hazel eyes. She stares off into space, most likely trying to connect with him via their bond.

Her breathing quickens and she picks up her phone. "I couldn't feel him!" She's panicking now. Just as she puts her phone to her ear, I hear ringing coming from the living room.

"He left his phone here Jezebel..." I'm trying to keep it together but i'm honestly just as nervous as she is.

She grabs me by the shoulders. "You have to go find him!" her voice is shaky and her eyes glossy.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion. She's his companion, not me. "What do you mean I have to go find him? Why can't we go together?"

"Someone needs to be here just in case he comes home injured."

"Okay so why can't I stay and you-"

"The last time I was around, I got his tail ripped straight off! I can't be the reason something else bad happens to him." She stares me straight in my eyes. I notice that her irises have changed from hazel to dark brown.

"I'll do it." I don't want to be the cause of Yayin's misfortune neither but I knew she didn't have a clear mind to look for him herself.

I put on my burgundy skinny jeans, a tank top, and my favorite black jacket. I look through my armor. Neckplate? Yes. Breastplate? No. After wrapping the neck plate around my neck and zipping up my black mid calf combat boots, I head out. Yayin took the truck so I guess i'll be walking. "Perfect". "I pull my hood over my head.

I'm not sure how long I've been walking but it has to be after 12 o' clock by now. I've had no luck. I haven't seen a truck, a fox, or a tall ginger. I thought i'd hit the jackpot coming to town. He loves it here but everything closes at 11 so the streets are empty. The silence is deafening.

Rustle rustle

I spin around. I think I heard a shuffling noise behind Lily's Little Bakery.

Rustle rustle

There it is again. I fight the urge to call out to see if it's Yayin. Instead I follow my ears which lead me behind the bakery and some other unused building.

Nothing....I see nothing. Besides a light post, some trash cans and an alley cat,I see no one.


I jump when I hear the door to the empty building shut behind me. I turn and stare at the raggedy door. I regret every step I take toward it. I don't want to go in but I can't risk leaving Yayin if it is him.....I apprehensively turn the doorknob.


I take a deep breath and slowly walk into the dark unknown.

Hi you lovely reader! What a cliffhanger huh? Drop a comment saying what you think is going to happen next or what/who you think Flora will encounter while in the abandoned building. I'm so excited to write the next chapter!!

Don't forget to vote and keep watch for the following chapter! Also feel free to ask any questions you may have about the story however I can not answer questions that pertain to future chapters.

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