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It's been raining off and on for a few days now and because of it I haven't really done anything productive. I've been sort of bedridden I guess.

I hear chatter coming from the kitchen and as much as I'd love to join them I can't will my body to move. Thoughts of the night I stared that shadow in its dark eyes continue to haunt me. I have so many unanswered questions. Why did it just stare at me instead of attack? How did it put me in a trance? And what the hell did it want with Trodie? This may come as a surprise but everytime I ask him he sort of dodges the question.

Ding Dong

Who the hell rings the doorbell at 9 in the morning?! Especially in this town. Our house isn't exactly easy to find and our closest neighbor is about 3 miles away.

Seconds after the doorbell rings,the house falls silent. It's funny how curiousity can drive a person to do unthinkable things like me getting out of this bed to be nosey.

Knock Knock Knock

Ugh why knock on my room door instead of call my name."Yeah?"

"Someone's here for you." Yayin yells from the other side of the door.

"Who is it?" Who in the world would come all this way for me?

"Just come! I think you'd like this" I hear his heavy footsteps walk away. This better be good. I slip on my silk robe and head out my room and down the stairs,the sight at the front door stopping me dead in my tracks.


"Leah?" I try not to appear stunned but I am failing epically. And it doesn't help that everyone's looking at me smiling.

"Im sorry if I woke you Flora." She lowers her head.

Did she just call me by my name?!
"H-how did you know where I live and how do you know my name?"

She shoots me a wicked smile. "I'm your companion."


"Companion." She reassures me. Shit, I must've said that out loud.

I didn't even know companions could be female! This changes everything!

"Someone looks like they're going to faint." Trodie grabs my hand and leads me to the couch.

"I'm....fine." I sit and practically hold my breath as Leah takes the seat beside me.

"I knew we were companions the day you came into the shop and felt my hot touch." she explains.

"Why didn't you tell me before I left or something?"Or better yet,why did it take all this time for us to come together? As a companion her first objective is to find me but it seems like she waited for me to come to her.

I must've said something funny because she chuckles but I am 100% serious and as excited as I am to have found my companion I'm also in no mood to laugh.

"I couldn't exactly stop working to tell you that. Plus I had to think things through like how to approach you because up until I talked to your friends I thought you were fine without a companion."

I shoot them a look that says I'm not pleased with their big mouthes.

"Anyways, I am here now and I am honored to be the companion of a valkyrie with such high rank."

I relax and smile but my mind is still questioning the whole thing. It all happened so fast. It's unbelievable.

"Yaaay!! We both have companions now! And yours is a girl! That's so cool!" Jezebel practically squeals and hugs both me and Leah. I loved it when she was joyful. We don't get to see too much of that from her these days.

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