Chapter One

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        Not many people has that one best friend who sticks with you since you two were young. Some people do not have friends, period. It's kinda sad to think that they don't have that special someone to tell them their dreams or their fears. They many kick and scream but no one ever looks up. No one is there for them. When I see a person sitting at the lunch table, alone,  reading or just staring into space, make me sad. 

        For several years now, I've been friends with a lot of people, but only one person makes me happy. That special someone who always has a shoulder for me to cry on, Ivan Dahlin. He is a 17 year old, black haired, blue eyed guy. He's been my best friend since fifth grade and ever since then, I've grown closer and closer to him. But, there's something suspicious about him. He's been skipping classes and sometimes he doesn't answer his phone. He uses the excuse that he had lost it. When ever I'm down or feeling sad, he's there to comfort me anyway. I couldn't ask for more. 

        It's in the middle of December in Cincinnati, Ohio . I look out the window in class to see falling snowflakes. I love the snow. I love the feeling of how it crunches under my feet when I am running around throwing snow balls. I smile silently to my self to see pictures of Chase Hemsworth, my boyfriend. I met him last year in my French class. I needed help with translations and he helped me. Ever since then, we've spoke to each other and August of this year, we started dating. He's been nice to be and I don't regret a thing.

       The bell for lunch scared me and I almost fall out of my chair in History. I'm glad that nobody noticed. I stand up and grab my Hollister bag and my books and rush out the door. Chase stands there smiling at me. He leans against the lockers like what actors do in movies. Why do you have to be so cute?! I walk up to him and smile "Hey!" He smiles to show off his perfectly straight white teeth of his. His emerald green eyes sparkle in the florescent lighting in the hallway. He leans down and presses his lips on mine and kisses me "Hello, Babe." He takes my hand in his and we start heading down hall.

         We get our lunch and sit down at a table where Ivan and our friends are sitting. Ivan looks at me and smiles. Then he looks at Chase which is talking to one of his friends and kinda make a face. He doesn't like Chase for some odd reason. He will not tell me why. Every time I ask he either changes the subject or doesn't answer me at all. Ivan takes a bite of his spicy chicken sandwich and looks at me. "So, Are you guys going to the "Save The World" benefit dance tonight?" Cindy asks. I look at her and say "No, Chase has work and I have homework. Are you, Ivan?" He swallows his bite and shakes his head, "No, To me, It sounds a little lame." 

         I grab a straw and open up my chocolate milk. I stick the straw into the carton and take a sip. "What do you mean 'Lame'?" Cindy asks. Oh here we go. Once you question anything about pollution or man kind or even littering, You've started Cindy on one of the talks about "Global Warming" or "Save the Earth". She's extremely picky about the subject.

        "I mean, it doesn't sound like I would like it"  Ivan says.

     She scoffs, "Well "Save The World" dance is the most important dance this year, For Your Information."

      I kinda giggle at her getting so mad at a dance. It's just a stupid dance. She makes a face at me and gets up. She storms out of the cafeteria. "Well, That escalated quickly" I remark. Ivan chuckles "Right?" Our eyes meet and Chase bumps me "Hey Babe, I'm going to check out something with Mike." He says as I look at him. He kisses my cheek and leave. 

      I take a bite of my spaghetti and look at Ivan. He's shaking his head, looking at his food. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" He says in a low voice. I sigh knowing that's not it. I put my fork down and wipe my mouth with a napkin. I throw it on my dish, "Ivan, I want an answer." He looks at me, waiting for the question. "Why do you not like Chase? He's good for me" I say. He replies right away, "Who are you trying to convince? You... Or me?" We sit in silence for a little while.  I begin to talk, "Just tell me wh-" He interupts, "He's not good for you, Naomi.... I know his history with girls... I know that all he wants is to make you miserable."

      I open my mouth to say something but Chase comes back. He leans over to kiss me and I kiss back. I look at Ivan and he's just playing in his mashed potato bowl with his fork. I sigh and try to look away but all I see is his sad blue eyes. "I got to go. I have... um.. I have a project due for sixth period" He gets up and walks away. I try to talk to him but he's gone in a flash. Chase looks at me and asks  "What's wrong with him?" I shrug and sigh.  I look over at his half eaten spice chicken sandwich and  a full bowl of mashed potatoes.

       After school that day, I walk out towards my car. I feel the cold air blow against my face, stinging my eyes and nose. As I'm about half way to my car, I hear Ivan's voice. He's laughing and joking around with some friends. I turn and look at him, I kinda smile and call his name, "Ivan!" He stops laughing and looks at me. "You got a second?" I yell to him. He nods. He turns to his friends and say bye to them. Then, He begins to walk my way. I turn and walk to my car putting my bag in the trunk.

     He get to my car and leans his hand on the car and looks at me sternly. I can tell that he's still a little upset for what happened at lunch. I sigh and say, "Ivan.... I'm sorry for what happened. I didn't mean to make you upset...." He stands there and he looks away. This is what I mean about suspicious. Never looks at me the same. "Look, I don't care... But All I'm saying is to watch your back..." That's all he says and he turns around with hands in his pockets. He starts walking away. I sigh and begin to talk, "What do you mean?" I don't get an answer back. I get in my car and go home.

     At home, I don't do anything.. I don't touch my dinner. I don't do my homework. I just lay on my bed looking up at a picture of Chase, Ivan, Cindy, Isabelle, and I on my ceiling. It's a poster size and  we all look like one big happy family. I begin to notice that Ivan is never near Chase. If Chase goes next to him.. he moves away.. Why is that? Is Ivan jealous? Or is he trying to protect me? One way or another... I will find out.

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