Chapter Tweleve

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           I'm out of the hospital now. It's been a few months. Nothing's happened since then. Ivan and I are just perfect. He makes me feel complete. I can't ask for anything else. He's just perfect. I'm sitting in my room texting him and on Facebook. I can't believe how many people are just posting drama... I try to look past them but they just keep popping up. I shut my lap top lid and look at my phone. He hasn't texted me back. Maybe he fell asleep. Oh well.

          I get up and I walk to the kitchen. My mom's cooking dinner and my dad is still at work. I grab an apple and sit on the counter. "Mom, How did you and Dad meet?" I ask and I take a bite of my apple. She smiles as she slices a carrot. She looks up at me "I still remember. It's plain as day." I smile. "At High school and year of 87. That was the day of the what they called a 'Sock Hop'. Everybody would dress up as 50s men and women and they would play Elvis and other great musicians and artists." She looks down at the cut carrots and scoops them up with the knife. "Your father always loved me but he was just to shy to ask me out." I giggle "Dad, Shy?! No Way!"  She laughs  and turns to me after she throws every single cut carrot into the pot.

       "Believe it or not, your father was really shy but a lady's man. He would walk into the hall way and have every girl dreaming to b his. He was the cutest guy in school." She smiles. "One day, he came up to me and asked me out to the Sock Hop. At that time, I wasn't into school activities. I wasn't even planing of going to the dance. But if the hottest guy asked you to the dance, what are you going to do?" She says. "I'll say yes!" I blurt out. She nodded "That night was amazing. Ever since then, we started dating and we ended up here." I smile and I look down at my half eaten apple. I can feel my face getting warm. She looks at me and smiles "You really like Ivan, don't you?" I look at her and I smile "I do. It's like,... Nothing even matters anymore. Chase stopped talking to me. As a matter of Fact, I havn't seen him lately". I start to feel this guilt building up inside me. Maybe I should give him a call... Maybe not. I don't know.

       When Dad walks in the door, dinner goes onto the table. I text Ivan and set my phone on the table. I grab my fork and begin to eat my salad. Mom and Dad sits there eating and talking about Dad's work day. I look at Dad and he lays his hand on Moms hand and gives is a little squeeze. I don't think I've ever seen them have a fight. I mean of course they argued but it was nothing too serious. I would hate that if it was. I get scared over the littlest things like not passing an important test. I just can't do it.

      After dinner, I help Mom with the table and dishes then I head up to my room. I look at my phone. Still no text from Ivan. I sigh and I sit at my desk to read my book. I look at the time and it already says 11:00 PM. I've been reading for a while.I hear knocking at my window. I turn to look at it and Ivan stands there. I smile and get up. He mouths "Let me in" and then his precious lips curve into a smile. I can't leave him there so I open up my window "What are you doing here?! My parents would kill you!" He kisses me and climbs in, "I wanted to see you."

      I close my window and look at him "You little rebel." I kiss him and wrap my arms around him. I stop and look at him. Something doesn't feel right. "Are you alright, Ivan?" I ask him. He nods and kisses me again. He seems different. I back up and look at him. He does something behind his back and I look into the mirror. There's no reflection. I back up, shaking my head "Who are you?" "What do you mean, babe? It's me, Ivan" he replies. "No.. No you're not..." I say. He goes after me and covers my mouth with a rag. I struggle but he's just too strong. Soon, I see nothing but black.. My heart slows and I black out.

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