Chapter Three

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         That night, I toss and turn. it's like I'm being chased in a dark ally by a dark, hooded figure. He has a knife in his hand. I run as fast as I can huffing and puffing, trying to catch my breath. I look behind me and he comes closer....closer... closer... until I bump into someone's arms. I scream and look up at the person I bumped into. Ivan... Ivan had caught me before I fell. I bury my face into his chest. His voice is soft but deep, "It's okay now, Naomi. You're safe."

         I shoot up from my bed and look around. It's just a dream.. I take deep breaths and look around. I see the black hooded figure in the corner. I look away to turn on the light. I look at the corner and he's gone. I sling back and look at the ceiling. It must be my imagination... I begin to think, Am I falling in love with Ivan? Do I love Chase? I sigh. I look at my clock. It's 2:00 in the morning. Ugh!... I don't know If I will be able to sleep.

        I hate this feeling. This feeling I have between Ivan, Chase and I.. It's like... It's like a love triangle. I can't do it. I figure to get up and take a shower. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the light. I look at myself in the mirror. I run my hand through my knotted up hair. I sigh and start to get undressed.  Once I'm undressed, I start the shower water. I can feel the warm water down my back and I start washing up.

       After the shower, I reach for my white towel. I wrap it around my chest. I walk out into my room and walk over to my closet and open it. I can see a movement in the same corner I saw the hooded figure and I snap my head to that direction. Nothing is there. I sigh and shake my head. I swear, something is wrong with me. I grab my dress and close my closet with a little force but not enough to actually back a loud noise. I slip into the dress and start combing my wet hair. After that, I start to go onto my laptop. 

      A couple of hours pass when I get a text. It's Chase telling me that he's not going to be at school today. I text him back saying okay and that I love him. I sigh and look at the clock on my computer. It's 6:15 AM. Maybe I should get my shoes on and leave. I stand up and walk over to my closet. I pick out my white flats and slip them on. I grab my bag and start to walk out to my car. I start it up and drive to school.

     When I get there, I see a lot of people in the parking lot. My friend runs up to me and I smile, "Hey, Gabby." She smiles, "Hey,.. What's the deal with Ivan?" I look over at him. He acting like nothing happened between us, talking with his friends. "What do you mean?" I look at her. "What do you mean 'What do I Mean'? You two haven't spoke in a while" She says. I shrug and start to walk. "Come with me, I have to tell you something" I say and she follows.

     We go to the lady's room and I check under the stalls to see if there's anyone in there. No one. Perfect time to tell her. "Good" I whisper. I put my bag on the counter next to the polished sinks and I look at her " Alright, You can not tell ANYone" I put more emphasis on "any" because I do not want a rumor going around. "Do you hear me? Not Izzy, Not Ivan, no one.." I say. She looks confused but she nods. I sigh and I begin "Okay, So, when Chase left to do some thing at lunch two days ago, Ivan kept shaking his head. I wanted to know why. So I asked him about it.  Chase wasn't the right guy for me, is what basically he said" I pause to see if she's following me. She nods as if she gets it "Okay..?"

      I continue, "So, yesterday, in sixth period,  Ivan is in that class with me. I went to tap his arm but he wouldn't look at me. He wouldn't even say 'Hello'. The bell rings and I rush out. I found him sitting in a empty room doing his homework." I reach into my bag for my make-up. "So, I figure to walk in and ask what he meant by that. He wouldn't give me a straight answer until something happened." She looks at me with big puppy eyes, "Then what happened?" I grab my eyeliner and lean in towards to mirror. I start applying some onto my waterline. I think she knows what happened but I tell her anyway "He kissed me."

      She gasps and almost yells "He kissed you!" I snap a look at her and shush her "Everyone can hear you!" She covers her mouth and her eyes are wide. I look back at the mirror and finish up my eye liner. "What did you do?" she asks. I reply "I pulled back and covered my mouth." I fish out my mascara and start applying it "Then I asked what it was for. Again, no straight answer. He just grab his stuff and said 'that's why I can't give you answers. You deserve better that him' then he left." I can see the whole moment again in my head. It's like, it haunts me.

        I finish my make-up just in time. The bell rings and I put my eyeliner and mascara into my bag. I look at Gabby and she looks surprised. "I can't forget it..... The image...the moment..." She shakes her head and we walk out "And, what about... you know who..?" I look at her, "What do you mean? We're still together... Please, Gabby.." I grab her arm and we stop in the hall. I turn her towards me and I look at her "Don't say anything to anyone... got it?" She nods and makes a fist with her pinkie out. Pink promises. I smile and link my pinkie in hers and let go. I bump her fist with mine and we both giggle. Pinkie promises. We always do it ever since like 6th grade. I like it.

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