Chapter Five

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           I wake up on a couch. Am I home? I bat my eyes open. Yeah.. My house. Home sweet home. I sit up a little too quickly and then I feel a hand on my arm. I look over to the side of the couch where Ivan sits there. He lays me back down and says "Careful.. Let's not have another 'spell'..." I Sigh and put my hands on my head and wipe my eyes, "What all happened?" He takes a deep breath and he stretches. He yawns then he answers, "Honestly?... I do not know. We were in school. At lunch actually and then you began to sway. I let you go for a minute then you started to fall. Then you were out."

            I move my head back to the ceiling and I stare at it. I must have stared at it longer than I expected because I begin to find shapes and animal heads on the little bumps on the ceiling. Ivan gets up and I hear him move around in the kitchen I sit up and look over there. There's a straight shot from the front door to the kitchen. I look to my right and he's getting us drinks. "I guess mom let you in" I yell over to him. "Actually, no. She's not here. Same with your father." He grabs the two cups and walks over to me, continuing on, "I knew that you had house keys on your lanyard." 

           I grab one cup from him and sip. I put my cup on the coffee table and I look up to him, "Thanks Ivan.... I really appreciate it..." He sits down at a chair and nods. There's a awkward silence between us. I am staring ahead but I can tell he's staring at me. It's like I can feel it. My heart pounds and I begin to say something but no words come out. Am I nervous?.... Am I scared?.....

           "Would you mind if I asked you what happened to you back there?" He asks. I sigh. I turn around so we meet each others eyes. "Can I tell you a secret?" I ask him. He nods, "Sure... I can keep secrets." I take a deep breath and tell him about the dream. But not the part when he's in it. He leans up with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped together. "So you're saying... These dreams you've been having is.. basically coming to life?" He looks confused. 

          "That's not really what I'm saying..." I get up and begin to pace back and forth... Back and forth "I'm saying that the guy in my dreams is like... following me around..." I stop and look at him "It's like..... " I think about my words... I GOT IT! I sit on the coffee table in front of him and continue, "Alright.. a couple of nights ago, The same night I had the dream, I looked in the corner of my room and the hooded figure was standing right there! I couldn't see his face at all. I wanted to get a better look so I turned my head to turn on the light but when I did, he was gone...."

           "You're head is playing with you, Naomi..." He says when he grabs my arm. I shake off his hand, "No it isn't... If it was, how could you explain him being in school. In lunch next to the vending machines?" His hand lands in his lap then he sighs. He looks me in the eyes and I follow his gaze. He and I lean a little closer to each other... closer... closer.... closer..... My favorite song, Levitate from Hollywood Undead, plays. We both snap our heads back. My phone still rings. I set that song for Chase. He sighs and looks down. Then back up, he has this sad look in his eyes but he still manages to smile.

            "I'm sorry.. He must be worried" I say. He swats at his face, "Don't worry about it. I have to go anyways." He smiles and stands. I sigh and watch him walk out, "Bye." He waves bye and I look at my phone.. One Missed Call is what it is displayed on the screen. I redial Chase's phone number and put it up to my ear. I hear the ringing. *ring..... Ring.... ring.... click* Female voice comes on "Hello?" I pause for a moment and look at the screen. "Chase's Cell" is what it's displayed.

           "I-I'm sorry.. Who is this?" I ask the woman. "Oh, my name is Netriska. Who are you?" She replies. "I'm Naomi... Chase's girlfriend..." I say. There's a pause between us until I hear the phone move and Chase's voice comes on the line "Hello?....." I don't say anything. "Hello?" He says again. I pull the phone away and hit hang up. I just sit there for a little bit to process who that was. Netriska? That's a weird name though... I look at my phone, contemplating on whether or not if I should call Chase back.

           The devil on my left shoulder wins, I call chase back. * ring..... Ring....* Chase answers this time, "Hey, baby? How are you feeling?" There's a silence and then I say "I called you..." Chase says "Oh, I must have been away from my phone then. I'm sorry, babe. It won't happen again" I sigh and hang up. I don't say anything else, I just hang up. I sigh again but only a little louder and I slam myself into the couch. Maybe Ivan was right... Maybe Chase isn't good for me.

           "Hello, Mistress Naomi." I hear a male voice behind me it makes me jump and fling around. There, behind the couch, stands a tall black hair man. He seems to be around the early twenties. His lips are full pinkish but almost pale. He wears a black button up shirt with black pants. His hands are stuffed into his pockets. Everything looks perfect about him up until I met his eyes. His eyes look goldish with a little bit of red mixed in. They make me afraid.. "Who- Who are you?! and What Are You Doing In My House?!"

            "There is no need to be scared..." He looks kinda sad that I'm freaking out a little bit. I start feeling light headed and dizzy again. "Mistress, Are you okay?" he asks. "Please.. do not call me 'Mistress'.. There's....." I pant trying to bypass the dizziness "There's ... no Mistress here..." "Of course there is. There's is but one Mistress. You are her" He says. He speaks as if he's from the 1800s. I look up at him and he smiles charmingly at me but his smile fades a little bit as he says this " It seems that my blood reacts to yours... Are you well, Mistress?" I start to get a little angry at him for calling me Mistress. Like seriously, I hate that...

             "My name is Naomi..stop calling me Mistress" I say through gritted teeth. I loosen up a little bit and I say "what do you mean about ' your blood reacts with mine'?" He shakes his head, "Doesn't matter anymore. I'm here on a mission.. I need you, Mist-" He says when I look at him with a deathly face. It probably scared him like I wanted it to do because he says my name at the end instead of Mistress. "My name is Nathaniel Jameason. I've come from the Jameason Manor."

            I hold in my laugh but I say, "Wow... you really need to loosen up." I smile and he smiles at me.  I look down at my phone then I lose my smile. "Naomi? Are you well?" I begin to look at him. What in the world am I thinking?.. There's a strange man in my living room asking if "I'm well". "Are you kidding me right now... Get out..." I say. He looks at me strangely. Then he comes closer. I want to back up but my feet wouldn't move. He grabs my arms then stares into my eyes. I see his pupils dilate. Then his begins to speak slowly and softly, "forget what I said and forget  that I was even here"

          I blink twice and I'm standing in the middle of my living room with my phone in my hand. What just happened? I shake my head and go up to my room. I'm so tired... Maybe it's from passing out. I don't know. I yawn and lay on my bed, looking up at the picture on my ceiling. For some reason.. When I look at Ivan, everything seems right... I get this feeling in my gut that he's a good friend and I should never let that friendship fall apart. 

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