Chapter 2: Broken Hearts

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Chapter 2: Broken Hearts

The Day of the First Note...

Destiny POV:

I vaguely heard a banging noise at my door but decided to ignore it. Next thing I knew I was jolted awake by ice cold water all over me and my bed.

I screamed and threw my soaking wet pillow at Kayley. Stupid morning people. "What were you thinking? You are so cleaning that!"

"I doubt it," Kayley called over her shoulder walking out of my room. "Better hurry, school's in ten minutes."

I quickly pulled on a random pair of black skinny jeans and slung my new green pullover sweater over top of my light blue tank top. Sprinting down the stairs I realized I forgot to do my hair and ran back up to grab a hair elastic. Running downstairs for a second time I grabbed an energy bar along with my school backpack and dashed out the door to find Kayley waiting in the driver's seat of our black SUV. I climbed into the passenger seat panting. Kayley started the car as I opened the wrapper of my energy bar and we started off to school.

"Have a nice shower?" Kayley questions me with a huge grin on her face.

I punched her in the arm muttering, "Jerk."

"Hey, no hitting the driver I might get into an accident!"

"Kayley, look out!" I screamed just as a huge pine tree fell onto the hood of our SUV, lifting the back wheels off the ground making my stomach flip. Immediately Kayley leaped at the car and took a look at our crushed vehicle.

Melodramatically, she fell to her knees and cried, "My baby!"

"You mean our baby?" I said as I stepped outside.

She turned her head so fast to face me she probably gave herself whiplash and shot back venomously, "Th-This is all your fault!"

My face turned red with anger as I stalked towards her and I hastily shot back, "Excuse me? You were the driver!"

We went on like this for about five minutes until a rusty, used car pulled up beside us.

"What just happened?" Lucas asked as he rolled down the window. Both our heads turned to face him, and I think we both have whiplash now.

"Well," Kayley started, "We were just cutting down trees... for our... fireplace..." She turned to face me with her hands out expecting me to finish her sarcastic story.

"But... we left our car in the wrong place."

"As you can probably see." Kayley muttered under her breath. We both forced out a laugh.

"So can you give us a ride?" I asked Lucas.

"Sure, hop in."

"Oh, oh! Shotgun!" Kayley yelled as she sprinted to the front seat.

"Damn it," I said under my breath as I made my way to the backseat of Lucas' green Sedan. Half way to the school Kayley had a complete meltdown. All I heard was, "My car! My car... it's just a dream, just a dream. A bad, bad dream"

Lucas looked at me through the rear-view mirror and asked me, "Is she okay?"

I replied quickly with my experience of Kayley acting like this before, "Yeah, she's just in denial."

He glanced to his right worriedly at Kayley and turned back to the road muttering, "Girls." Other than Kayley's groaning, the rest of the ride was a comfortable silence.

When Lucas pulled up into an open parking spot at school, I yanked Kayley out of her seat and she composed herself. Next thing we knew, Aubree walked up to us with her clones, Taylor and Brianna, following close behind. "Oh look, Destiny found a new boyfriend, Lucas. Because she isn't cool enough to get anyone else."

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