Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Still Harry's P.O.V.

I could hear Ginny's scream echo the Manor and I felt helpless. Once they took us down to the cellar, everything went black.

Ginny's P.O.V.

When Lucius Malfoy hit me with the crucioartious curse, it felt like my body was of fire. I have experienced a pain before. Harry was nowhere t one seen. Lucius Malfoy held the cure for a goof 45 minutes when he finally released it I was breathing heavy. I could barley move and I was half-conscious and I felt paralyzed. I could only move my head and eyes slightly. Suddenly I heard the sound of apperation and heard the incantation "STUPLIFY' . I turned my head and it was Draco. Then I heard another voice shouting 'GINNY!". I saw Harry running up to me. Suddenly some one else scooped me up in his arms it was Draco. Then everything went black.

Harry's P.O.V.

Once I woke up after being unconscious for a while, I still heard Ginny's screams still echoing the manor. I finally broke down the door and went to find her. I got there and I saw Ginny's body lying there. I saw non-other then Draco Malfoy walking to her. I tried to run to her but he beat me to it. By the time I was 10 feet close to her Malfoy had already had her in his arms.

Draco's P.O.V.

I apperated in and herd loud screams. I ran to the main room and saw my father using the cruioartious curse on her. I quickly stunned my father and ran to Ginny. I scooped her up and meet eyes with Potter. Then Ginny's eyes had closed. I had a bad feeling but she was breating but weakly. She was unconscious I apperated out and to a small house I made in the muggle world. I went there when I could not stand being with my patents and when I got there, I laid Ginny on the bed in the spare room. Then I went outside and put enchantments around the house. Later on I went to check on Ginny. She was still unconcious but her breathing was a little better. All of a sudden, I herd her voice say weakly "Draco..." before she fell silent again.

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