Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Draco's P.O.V.

It s been about three or four days since I saved Ginnys life. I've been keeping her in bed most to her dislueasure. I just finished making breakfast for Ginny. I brought it to her room and the first thing she sad was 'When am I allowed out of bed?' I rolled my eyes "good Morning to you Gin" I said as I put the tray of food infront of her. "Sorry Draco, good morning" she said giving me a smile. "Gin I've been meaning to tell you this. Ever since the breakup because of out past it has only made me miss you even more" I looked upa t Ginny and she moved on the bed leaving me room to sit nect to her. "Draco" she began but I cut her of by kissing her. After I pulled away Ginny began again "samw with me Dracp" I smiled and hugged her "tomorrow we go back to hogwarts" when I said that Ginnys face changed. "but I don't want to" she began "neither do I" I said as I kissed her on the forhead.

Ginnys P.O.V.

I'm so glad I have Draco back in my life. I missed hom so much. Sadly we have to go back to Hogwarts tomottow. Whats Harry and Ron going to think/ They haven't seen me in a week. What are they going to say Im back together with Draco. The only boy who makes me happy. The only boy who would never do anything to hurt me. Harry wouldent either nut I live him like a brother. I live Draco much more than a brother. I love him so much words wuldent sescribe it.


As I sat in the Great Hall, I saw Harry and Ron walk in I had a bad feeling on what would happen.

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