Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Harry's P.O.V.

As I entered the Great Hall, I saw Ginny. I am glad to see that she is okay. I sat in front of her as usual. "Hey Gin! Glad to see that you are okay." I said with a warm smile. "Same to you Harry" she responded back. I smiled at her. I looked up and saw Malfoy leave the Hall. About time, I said to myself, he has been staring at me for ages. "I gotta get to class Harry" after she said that she left the Hall rather quick. I decided to follow her, I had a feeling she was hiding something.

Draco's P.O.V.

As I was eating in the Great Hall, I saw Potter and sit in front of Ginny. I felt a rage of jealousy go through me. I left and head someone behind me. I turned around and it was Ginny. Running to me. I ran to her and gave her a hug. "I missed you so much Gin" she hugged me back "I missed you also." Before I knew it out lips meet. She wrapped her arms around my neck and my harms traveled and were around her waist. I opened my eyes and see Potter standing there like a blithering idiot. I pulled away and smirked at him and went back to snogging Ginny.

Harrys P.O.V.

I found it strange that Ginny had to leave right after Malfoy left. So I followed her and saw her snogging Malfoy. Malfoy pulled away and smirked at me and went back to snogging her. I felt like my heart was breaking and I sad to my self-time to use the most powerful love potion in the wizzarding world. But I had to first figure out how I am going to get her to drink it. Maybe Ill slip it into her pumpkin juice tomorrow morning. Or maybe somehow tonight. I kept having that argument in my head until I found my self at the entrance to my common room.

Ginny's P.O.V.

I guess it was true I am back together with Draco. About 10 minutes of our snogging fun. I wandered back to the Common Room to get my bag. When I walked through the portrait, Harry was there. The first thing he said to me was "Ginny we need to talk!"

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