Part 13: Do You Believe in Second Chances?

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Chaz's P.O.V:

I only wanted to throw the water bottle in Ellie's direction to get her attention. I never meant to hit her head. The anger that was visibly burning inside of Justin was mortifying. I am totally a dead man. I am in some deep trouble now as if I wasn't already. I need to apologize for the incident that happened in New York. I realize that I couldn't control my jealously and what I did was so inappropriate.

I listen to raging Justin and follow Kenny backstage. When we reached the hallways, I decide I need to first talk to Ellie, so I sneak off to find her. I'm guessing Justin most likely took her to the main lobby like room. I see the doorknob of the room turn and jump to hide behind the nearest corner. I'm glad I did because Justin walks out of the room running his hand threw his styled hair; cursing under his breath and threw clenched teeth. I can only imagine that he's calling me every name in the books and to be honest, I don't blame him. I screwed up and I know it. He probably plans on ripping me apart limb by limb but you see, I didn't come her to fight Justin. I just came to talk to both him and Ellie in hopes that they'll listen and possibly they'll hear me out.

Once the coast is clear I slowly make my way to the door and take a deep breath, preparing myself for what might happen next. I turn the knob quietly and I can hear Ellie's soft angelic and quiet voice. I recognize the lyrics she's rapping to belong to the song 'Mercy' and I'll admit, she was doing so with such swag. I may still have some feelings towards Ellie, but I'm trying to make those into just close friends' feelings. I'm finding it really hard for me to completely move on. I am seeing Dani again, but those feelings still linger in my head.

I shut the door behind me and apparently it startled Ellie because she stops in mid-sentence and asks in a shaky voice who's there and if I was Justin. I never in a million years wanted Ellie, of all people, to be scared by or of me. I turn around and start walking towards her, hesitantly.

"Hey Ellie, it's me." I pause for a few seconds as she just looks at me with a very heated yet confused look. "Chaz." A snowball is building in the middle of my throat, making it even harder to speak. I take off my sunglasses and hood as she asked me to in a demanding voice. I notice her whole body appearance tense up and her eyes grew in size. I continue to walk towards her.

"No. Don't even Chaz. Don't even think about coming any closer. Justin will be here any second and well, you better run because you just keep digging your own grave and soon you'll be 6 feet under."

I take a deep breath trying to melt the giant now ice ball in my throat. "I know I did. But can you just listen to what I have to say first? Just for a few minutes before Justin rips me apart?" I ask with pleading eyes as she just crosses her arms across her chest giving me the look to explain. "What happened in New York" she cuts me off.

"What you did in New York."

I nod my head, "What I did in New York, what I put you through was just completely..." As I was trying to think of the right word, she fills in the blank.

"Creepy? Inappropriate? Scary? Wrong? Like something you only see in Lifetime movies? Trust me, Chaz, don't you think I already know that?" Her eyes start to become wet and I can tell she's on the verge of tears.

"I know. I know and you're 100 percent right to say all those because that's exactly what I did was. The only reason I came here is to say," and here comes the snowball back for its revenge, "I am horribly sorry." That's all I manage to say as I look into her eyes and it's killing me thinking of her crying.

"I'm sorry too, Chaz. I don't think I can forgive you or I don't think I can ever not feel scared just by the mention of your name. You scared me. I didn't let anyone, not even Justin, give me any type of affection like touch for the longest time. I didn't let anyone comfort me which made my healing process 10 times harder to happen. I had a continuous nightmare of that night happening over and over again, except, every night I would dream it, you kept getting closer and closer to me...." Her voice trails off and she looks down at her phone to wiper her eyes. I take this opportunity to walk closer to her and sit on the opposite end of the couch. When she felt the couch dip, she jerks her head up and snaps her neck in my direction. "If you even lay a single finger on me, you're dead. I may be crippled but trust me I'll find a way Mister." I nod fighting a smile as I thought it cute how she called me mister.

"Ellie, I never ever wanted you to be scared of me. I know it's a little late now to tell you that, but I didn't expect you to forgive me right on the spot. Butt can you just give me a second chance to make everything better?"

She sighs and runs her hand through her curled brown and long hair. Before she was able to answer me, the door swings open as Justin walks in with fists tight by his side as he walks towards me, I stand up getting ready for a hit in the face. I swallow hard.

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