Chapter 6

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When one of my men told me that someone was stealing from me, I sent my brothers to finish the job. However, the girl saw the whole situation and that was a problem. After Zack deleted the camera feed, Luciano gathered the information about the girl in question.

I ordered both of my brothers to follow and keep an eye on her, while I am handling the other situation that had arisen. My initial order was to find the path she takes every day and when the time would arise, to kill her.

But something changed my mind, which led me to be outside of the diner and waiting for her.



I asked, "Did you find her?"

Luciano was on the other line and responded, "We have found her, Boss. But she is acting strange."

The phone call must have been on the speaker, because I heard Zack echo, "Yes, very strange."

Confused and irritated, I asked, "What happened?"

Zack continued, "Boss, she is acting like she saw nothing. She is completely fine. No nervous glances or shaking, nothing normal."

I echoed, confused mostly, "Nothing...?"

Luciano said, "Is it possible that it wasn't her?"

Zack interrupted, "No, that is impossible. It is her; I am very sure."

Luciano continued, "Marcio is a regular there, so I sent him there. He reported that she was acting like it was a normal day."

I sneered, "There is nothing normal of what we did yesterday."

Zack asked, "Then what do we do now?"

I said seriously, "Zack, are you sure?"

Zack uttered after few heartbeats, "Yes, Boss."

I took a deep breath and said, "Then, we finish her tonight after her shift. Are we all clear?"

Both of them echoed, "Yes, Boss."


The wind crossed my face as I was looking at the woman coming out of the diner. When the door closed behind her, her eyes followed to the sky and smiled with another glimpse of emotion.

After few moments, she shook her head and started to pace forwards. But she stopped in her tracks and she looked in my direction. I took a shaky breath when she looked at me directly, however, I knew she couldn't see my face from the angle. Her eyes were so magnetic that stopped from shifting from another place.

There was something about her.

Her chocolate brown hair changed to a lighter colour as it shined in the moonlight. Even far away, I could imagine her eyes sparkling like they were luring me to her like a siren. I began to fall under a spell over her beauty, enchantment, simplicity, and difference from any other woman I met before.

However, the bubble that I created with her broke, when Zack stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her. I could see that the woman was struggling in his grip, and his hands turned to fists. I was feeling rage from the pain that Zack was bringing.

I unwrapped my fist and scrunched my eyebrows.

What was I thinking?

It felt strange feeling this wave of emotions. The truth was that I hated that he touched her and was about to hurt her, even if I had ordered.

By the time my eyes shifted back to the scene, she was already unconscious, and Zack was bringing her towards my direction.

Watching the closeness, I spoke harshly at Zack without thinking, "Give her to me."

Zack was confused with actions, which he said, "I can take her."

I narrowed my eyes and eagerly took her into my arms, which I picked her up in a bridal lift. Her small body fitted in my arms and that brought some kind of unfamiliar emotion.

Zack uttered with a smirk, "In no time, she will be dead."

Rage enlaced in my words, "Shut up!"

Zack stood straighter and with his lips thin, he said, "Yes, Boss."

Rage still pulsating in my veins, I turned around and began walking away from both of my brothers and towards the car ahead.

However, the look that Luciano gave me was not missed.

After I positioned her in the car and I sat beside her, my thoughts were clouded.

Why was I acting like this?


Author's note:

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