Epilogue - Part 1

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Touching the soft fabric between my fingers, I tried to accept the new Present. The beginning with a happy ending, I never thought I could have such a thing.

My gaze travelled to the wide mirror and looked at my complexion. I could not express my happiness. Next, my orbs dropped down and looked at the white wedding dress I was wearing. The flowers that seemed bleak a moment ago seemed to bloom further. My happiness was intoxicating as I felt that I was in a beautiful fairy-tale.

A voice said, "You look beautiful when you smile."

Surprised by it, my gaze dragged up to see the reflection of the new corner. Shyly, I smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr Donati."

His smile was wider and continued, "Oh, don't be silly, call me Castillo."

Finally, turning to face him, I saw his attire. The same pristine black suit that the brothers wore with a signature white rose in their pocket. He must have known what I was thinking, because he immediately uttered, "White roses were Mia's favourite flowers."

I nodded with a sad smile. He continued, "Because of you, my son returned. I know that he still angry at me, but we have started."

I noted, "Me? What--"

Castillo smirked and said, "Don't worry about it, Dahlia, okay?"

His gaze was full of demand as he did not want me to enquire further. I simply nodded and didn't push it further. Castillo's posture changed again and looked at me with glowing eyes and said, "I am sure your parents would be proud of you."

I spoke bitterly, "I am not sure about that."

Castillo's definite eyes gazed upon me, "If you ever wish to find out who your parents were, do tell me. I will help you in any way I can. You are my daughter now."

Smiling warmly at the man in front of me, I understand how fortunate I was. This family has accepted me with open arms and have not once pushed me away from my sins.

Breaking from my thoughts, Castillo held a small velvet box in front of me. He opened with so much and showed it to me. It was an enchanting heart-shaped pendant with a gold chain. As simple as it was, it was so charming, and its shine was brighter than anything I have ever seen.

I said too enchanted on that small piece, "It's so beautiful."

He said softly, "It was my wife's."

I looked at him and he had a small smile that resembled Matteo. I said, "I can't accept this."

He smiled brighter and said, "She would want you to have it. Please accept."

I tried, "Are you sure?"

Castillo added, "It was her favourite necklace and she had once told that she would give this to Matteo's wife. She knew that he would marry someone special. She would give small gifts here and there; it was her way of showing that she loves someone."

How could I deny such a precious and priceless gift?

Castillo held the necklace in his hands, and he helped me to put it on. Once it was done, I touched the precious gift in my hands and felt cherished. I felt warmness in my heart as if Matteo's late mother was giving her blessing.

A knock came from the other side of the door, the moment broke slightly. I turned towards the noise and saw two individuals joining in. Their beaming smiles and smirks were wiped as they saw Castillo.

Luciano asked, "What are you doing here?"

Castillo lifted an eyebrow and announced, "I don't need your permission, boy."

Deciding to distract the men before me, I intervened, "Is something wrong?"

Zack took that opportunity and said, "It's almost time. Are you ready?"

I nodded and answered with one word, "Yes."

Luciano, forgotten about Castillo, demanded, "Let's go."

I shouted, "Wait."

Everyone stood in their tracks and looked at me with fear in their eyes. I suppose that they knew that Matteo gave me an out. Castillo was first to shatter the silence, "What is wrong, Dahlia?"

I smiled, nervously but I was able to speak, "Well, I don't have anyone to walk me down the aisle."

Zack offered, "I can do that."

I shook my head at him, but I turned towards another individual, "Castillo, you consider me as your daughter. I know it is a lot to ask, but c--"

Castillo intervened, "It would be my honour to walk you down the aisle."

Overjoyed with happiness.

I smiled at him, while he also returned one. Castillo helped me put the veil on my head and he gave me permission to put my hands on his arm. As I did that, we began walking to where the beautiful and enchanting aisle was.

The music began as soon as we reached nearby, it has already been dark outside. It was an intimate gathering with his family, our family. Butterflies flutter at my stomach as I could fandom how lucky I was. We began making our way to the small aisle.

Eventually, we reached the end and Castillo gave my hand to his son. I moved closer to him and looked at his mesmerising eyes, also filled with joy. Behind him, I could see the moon shining and creating a more fairy-tale-like atmosphere.

They say when you see a full moon, you see your soulmate. But I did not need to see it, because I already knew that he was my happily ever after.


Author's note:

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