Prologue: Saving the Prisoners Three

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One, two, and three. Those are the prisoners alright. The forest clearing would be a typical location to set up camp. But what is this strange aura that I am feeling? I enhanced my extrasensory powers to properly observe magical powers around the prisoners. A bright blue barrier lit up around the prisoners in the center of the camp. Magic prohibition barrier spell. That would explain why the young magical apprentice cannot use his spells to escape. Having fifteen guards distributed around the camp with twenty-five more in the camp, three of which by the captain's tent would also prevent the other two from fighting their way out. Forty guards and a captain? That would be easy.

I silently moved over to the closest guard in the forest and took him out. Not even a squeak made it out of him before he hit the floor dead. Only thirty-nine more to go. Quickly and silently I took out the remaining guards that were in the forest around the camp, bringing their ranks down to twenty-five and the captain.

I surveyed the camp from the East. There appears to be a guard in each direction at the edge of the camp as well a few more a couple meters behind them asleep or eating. I looked to the north end and saw that the guard was fast asleep, one hand propping up his head on his leg and too close to the edge of the forest. Stealthily, I made my way to the north end when I got a new plan. Devious, but it may work. I killed the north guard in the position he was in and slinked back into the forest. Ruffling some branches and snapping some twigs, I made as much noise as possible to alert the guards to all come to the north end. The east, west, and campfire guards close to the north started making their way into the forest to see what the commotion is about when one of the campfire guards bumped into the dead north guard and knocked him over. Shit. The remaining guards started to scramble and rally towards the north end leaving two guards and the captain in the camp. I cursed myself and started weaving in and out of their ranks in the forest, killing the guards closest to the edge of the group first.

I was able to take down nine before they started to catch on to my plans and back into the camp. Now there are only fifteen guards and the captain, and they are all on high alert. One of the guards cast a stealth cancellation barrier around the camp. Double shit. Guess I have to go in and fight my way through.

I started to phase shift, my tunic ripping and my body expanding and covering itself with fur. I let out a fierce howl before charging into the camp, killing every guard who was dumb enough to get in the way of my claws. I received a couple of cuts, but nothing a little werewolf healing cannot fix. I clawed the last guard's face and ripped it off before it was just me and the captain. The captain had a large battle axe that appears to be made of silver. This can end badly for me if that hits. He swung and missed as I dodged to the left. He swung again and I dodged, but then a sharp pain hits my right side. He must have cut himself short and swung at me. I kneeled down on one knee to catch my breath as he saunters over, smirking.

"You thought you were a smart wolf, but it appears you still are human enough to fail". He prepped himself to swing down at me when I swept his legs out from under him. The captain fell back, dropping his axe behind his head. That's when I pounced and savagely destroyed his throat and face. I stood back up and shifted back to my human form.


A/N: My attempt at a story. Let me know what you think! Again I do not own anything from Smosh or Smosh Games. This is just a fanfiction dedicated to them. The oc is me! :D 

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