Chapter 35: Preparations for the Return Home

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Matt's PoV:

When Peter and I got closer to Joshua, Olivia, and Noah, I began to plan ahead. "Let us pack our belongings. We will leave as soon as everyone is ready. Peter, did you bring anything when you left?" I asked. He thought about it for a minute before replying.

"I did. They are most likely back in the cave..." he said, his voice trailing off. I was about to make a plan when a voice behind me interrupted my thoughts.

"No need to go back. I found everything and the body of the former alpha." I whipped around to see the druid. He had Peter's stuff on the ground next to his feet as he stands next to the spring. I looked into the druid's eyes. He does not seem happy. As if he was reading my mind, he addressed me directly.

"I am not upset that you killed the former alpha. He mistreated one of my children so he must be killed. I felt the presence over his body. It is the presence of the dark druid; the same one that you", he indicated to Peter, "felt at the mint nemeton. I am going to make a magical portal. Go back to your kingdom and defend it. The dark one will be after the kingdom soon." The druid looked at the spring and stretched his hand out to it, chanting a spell to open a magical portal. I took this chance to talk to everyone.

"Go pack quickly. When we are through the portal, go immediately to Ian. We need to notify him of the danger that approaches", I quickly stated. Joshua, Olivia, and Noah nodded and ran to get their belongings. I looked over to my left to see Peter not there. I turned around to see Peter standing next to the druid, the portal opened and ready to go. Peter seems to be having a conversation with the druid. I walked over, picking up my travel pack and hoping to catch a bit of their talk.

"You will control it when the time comes. In the meantime, take care of your friends and protect them by fighting for them," the druid concluded when I got in range. I was about to ask what they were talking about when the others arrived. Peter picked up his belongings and turned towards us.

"Ready to go?" he asked. We all nodded. Peter reached out and held onto my hand before addressing everyone. "Let us go then", he said and pulled me into the spring with him. The world around me started to spin and turn around me.

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