Chapter 17: Thick Air

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After a couple hours, the sun was beginning to set when we arrived at Matt's house. Keith was about to leave the forest when I raced over to him and dragged him back, both Sir Wesley and Lady Isabelle still on my shoulders.

"What was that for!?" Keith exclaimed. I ignored him and activated my stealth, reaching just passed the brushes until there was a blink of orange from the stealth detection barrier. We waited for a few seconds before Matt opened the back door and waved us in.

"Now you may go in", I said. Keith gave a scoff and walked in, with Shayne not far behind. I checked the surrounding area before running inside. Matt closes the door behind me and I immediately head over to my bedroom. Placing Sir Wesley on one bed and Lady Isabelle on the other, I left the room to find Matt. He was trying to explain to Amra what happened.

"Now is not the time to explain. Matt, Amra, and Noah", I heard Noah pop up from his chair. "May you all go and check on Sir Wesley and Lady Isabelle with Shayne? I will explain everything after". Matt sighed.

"Alright, that would be best for right now. Come on Noah, Amra", Matt said, ushering both of them into the room. When I heard the door close, I wandered over to the armchair and sunk in, my face in both of my hands. Great. What a fucking fantastic day. Not only did I nearly lose control, I now have to explain myself to Shayne, Keith, and Amra. What can possibly go wrong now?

As if on cue, there was a knock on the backdoor. I grunted and got up to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, there was a large battle axe under my chin. I held my hands up to show that I was not holding any weapons.

"Where are Wes and Isabelle?!" shouted Sir David. His orange hair was a mess and his big, brown eyes were filled with rage. I pointed towards the hallway. Sir David dropped his axe and was about to go when I stopped him.

"Matt, Amra, Shayne, and a young apprentice, Noah, are checking on them right now. May I suggest you take a seat and wait for them to complete their analysis of Sir Wesley and Lady Isabelle?" I asked. Sir David let out a yell of frustration before heading over to the table and pulling out a chair for himself. He placed his battle axe on the table, sat down, and crossed his arms impatiently. I took a seat on the end of the table furthest from him. I was about to put my face into my hands again when the backdoor busts open with Mari and Courtney running in. Courtney immediately comes over and points her sword at my neck. Again with the fucking neck? I raised my hands again.

"Where are they?!" she screamed at me. I glanced over at Mari. How did Mari and Courtney meet each other? How do they know to come here? I looked back at Courtney. She had anger in her eyes.

I sighed before I replied, "They are in the room where you stayed in last night with Matt, Amra, Shayne, and Noah checking up on them. Keith is in there just to be in there. May I suggest taking a seat and waiting for them to treat Sir Wesley and Lady Isabelle?" Courtney shifted her gaze over to Sir David. He shrugged and exhaled impatiently. Courtney lowered her sword and sat down next to Sir David, Mari sitting between me and Courtney. I was about to lower my hands again when the backdoor opens again. Who can it be this time? I left my hands up as Joshua and Olivia came in. Joshua came over and held my face.

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? Did they hurt you?" Joshua asked. I shook my head no. He gave a sigh of relief before addressing the others. "What are you guys doing here?" Joshua asked.

Sir David stood up, picking up his battle axe. "I can ask you the same thing", he stated. Joshua was about to reply when Matt, Amra, Noah, Shayne, and Keith emerged from the hallway.

"Put your weapons away. Wes and Isabelle are fine. They were drugged with just a sleeping potion. They will be awake in a few hours. Now may I ask why the fuck are all of you in my house?" Matt asked. He was getting angry. I can smell it.

Sir David was the first to reply. "I saw him", he pointed at me, "Carrying something that looked like Wes and Isabelle into your house, Matt. I decided to follow and investigate. After I saw him lay them down onto the bed through the window, I decided to come in and find out", Sir David replied. Crazy Sir David that would be something he would do.

Matt looked over at Mari. "Courtney stopped by my house right when I got back from hunting to tell me there was a werewolf in town. I was heading here when I saw David enter the house. If David enters a house, then Wes would be in there. So Courtney and I followed him in", Mari explained. I smacked my face loud enough to have eyes on me. Seriously? You are going to tell the entire room full of potentially crazy people that there is a werewolf in town? I looked up to see Matt looking over at Joshua.

"Olivia was over helping Kat. When she saw you", he pointed at Courtney, "going into the house she started running over here. She shouted something about Peter being in danger so I followed her over", Joshua explained.

All eyes are on me now. I sighed and looked directly at Matt. "The goblins kidnapped them thinking they can be some sort of sacrifice for the nemeton fifteen kilometers from here in the wild mint clearing. I was able to forcibly convince the chief to let them go", I spoke. Keith scoffs and I glared at him. He did not seem to care now that there are more people around to protect him.

"He is a beast, and by the claws and fangs, he is a werewolf. He was using his werewolf powers to strangle the chieftain until he freed Wes and Isabelle", Keith said. I remained seated, my head in my hand. I heard the room shuffled about, people shouting at each other. It is overwhelming my senses. I had enough. I roar out loud, standing up quickly and knocking my chair over. Everyone went silent and stared at me. I looked down at myself. I had partially shifted to a werewolf. I growled in discontent before facing the room, Sir David, Mari, Courtney, and Keith on one end and Matt, Joshua, Olivia, and Noah on the other end with Amra and Shayne in the middle. Amra looked contemplative. What is he thinking? Shayne looked scared. He did not want to be here right now. A growl escaped my muzzle as the door banged open again.

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