Chapter 6: Honesty and Sleep

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Olivia and Courtney stared at each other for a minute before Matt broke the silence.

"Ok ladies, why don't we sit down and talk this over. Courtney and Noah, go retrieve a chair and bring it over to the fireplace. Olivia, sit back down. Everything will be explained", Matt spoke calmly. Courtney glares at me for a little bit before retrieving a chair with Noah and Matt. Courtney and Noah placed their chairs across the arm chair next to Olivia while Matt placed his next to the armchair. Once everyone was seated, I begin to speak.

"Those werewolves you speak of have not been trained to control their shifts. I was taught to when I was a slave. My "master" was a werewolf himself who knew how to control his. He was my alpha. When he found out I have survived, he tried to take me back." I looked around the room and observed their faces. Olivia looks terrified while Courtney looked like this was her chance to kill me. Noah, on the other hand, looked interested in the conversation. I picked from where I left off. "It was Matt here who killed him to protect me. Not only did he save me from my wounds, he saved me from my "master". I owe Matt my life. Though Matt is not a werewolf, I have learned to listen to him. He has pretty much become my alpha." I looked around the room again. This time, Olivia was no longer terrified, but contemplative. Courtney no longer had anger in her eyes, only confusion. Noah was now highly engrossed in the conversation.

"This is fascinating! There should be a book written about this relationship between an omega werewolf and a human the werewolf deems as an alpha", Noah exclaimed. Matt and I shook our heads and laughed. Courtney decided it was time to ask her question.

"So can the werewolves that destroyed my home kingdom become more like you?" asked Courtney. I shook my head and I saw her head drooped down.

"I am sorry Courtney, but if they destroyed your town there is no hope for them. They will go insane and start killing each other or themselves soon", I said quietly. She put her face into her hands and started sobbing. Olivia reached around and gave Courtney a hug, trying to comfort her.

"Courtney's brother was turned into a werewolf. He killed their entire family while Courtney was out hunting. When she returned, her brother chased after and tried to kill her. She ran. That's how she met up with me", Olivia clarified. I nodded. That is why Courtney tried to harden herself. That is why she tried to be strong. That is why she got captured with Olivia; because she allowed herself to be defenseless for a few hours to talk to Olivia about what happened. Noah looked sadly down at his thumbs. I decided to break the silence.

"Get some sleep. When daylight comes, you all are free to leave and go around town. If you need anything, feel free to find Matt or I in the morning. We will be out at the very front of the house setting up his shop for the day", I instructed. The young ones nodded and went back into their rooms. Matt and I replaced the chairs around the table and then I sunk back into the armchair.

"Good night Matt. Looks like we are going to have very little sleep tonight", I called as Matt shuffles into the front of the house.

"Good night Peter", he called back before closing the door that divided the house and the shop quietly. 


A/N: Hey, let me know what you think please! I will continue posting the rest of the chapters that I have written but I would still love input. Thank you!

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