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"We're all crazy, some of us just hide it better than others."
-Nathan Scott


It took another day to get back to camp. After rescuing the girl we started to head back, when nightfall came we slept till sunrise and continued back to camp.

As we reach the outside of camp I can hear Abby yelling for them to open up the gates. We have to hand in our weapons but we don't fight it. There's no point.
Abby walks up to us and turns to the girl,

"I know you, factory station." The girl nods her head.

"Where are the others?" Abby turns to Bellamy but the girl speaks up.

"There are no others."

"We found her a day from here. No survivors. Lots of supplies." Bellamy explains.

Abby nods her head, "get her to medical." She tells someone right beside her and then walks off.
I'm surprised she didn't ask if we had found the others, or Clarke. That's all she's been talking about to us since we met her. Though I soon realize why when I catch the sight of a blonde running towards us. She grabs both me and Bellamy and pulls us into a hug and I immediately wrap my arms around her as Bellamy does the same. When we pull away I can see her face clearly, she has scratches everywhere, she's pretty banged up.

"How many are with you?" Bellamy questions her.

She sighs, "None. Where's Finn?" Clarke looks around.

"Looking for you."

"We need to go get them. " I explain to Bellamy and Clarke while walking down one of long halls of the arch.

"We will, I need to talk to my mom first. They are having a meeting about what to do, we need to make sure they will be going to get Finn and Murphy." Clarke says. We keep on following her until I see her mom and Byrne come into view.

"So?" Clarke asks her mom hopeful.

Abby sighs, "We can't go get them right now." I grit my teeth, we need to go get them. Finn is not in the right state right now, who knows what he will do.

"What? No, You can't just cut them loose!" Clarke exclaims.

"Sweetheart, we don't have the manpower to send out two separate rescue missions and protect our camp." Abby tells her.

"Mom. They're in trouble. They're either gonna get themselves killed or they're gonna make things worse with the Grounders, who we need to get our people out of Mount Weather." Clarke furthers her point. I can't imagine things getting worse with the grounders since they are already now but at this point anything is possible.

"I know you feel this is unfair. But our priority has to be with chancellor Kane if there is any hope for peace." I snort at Abby's words and she holds her gaze with me before looking back to her daughter.

"If you wanted peace, you shouldn't have killed the only Grounder who was gonna help us." Clarke has explained that Anya was ready to work with us but when they got to camp they had shot her.

"I'm sorry. The decision's been made." Abby firmly states.
As I'm about to speak Bellamy does so first,

"You're sorry? Finn and Murphy are out there looking for your daughter with guns you gave us, and now she's home, you're just going to abandon them? If you can't spare the guards, we know the terrain, we have a map. We can do it ourselves." Me and Clarke nod in agreement at Bellamys words.

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