cassandra and harry

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Oh my god im so sorry darcy i spelled your name wrong the whole story! Please forgive me im very tired and shouldnt even be up right now due to the fact that its monday tomorrow.

"Hi Cassandra!" Harry yells from across the street, "Hey Hazza!' I yell back waving my hand like a mad person. Me and Harry have been best friends since I moved here from America when I was 5. Now Im 17 and we are still Best buds. Harry ran over to my yard. I was sitting on my "swing" on my porch drinking a coke. Harry plopped down next to me. "Whatcha' doing today?" He askes. "Well mums at work so is dada so im free for the day, what do you have in mind,"

"Bet you cant beet me in Mario Cart!" He yell and smiles showing of his dimples.

Ive always had a school girl crush on Harry but nithing serous. "Oh yah!" I say back as i raise my eyebrows. "Raise em' any higher and they will fly away." says harry and i giggle and look down at the ground.

I can feel Harrys eyes on my so I keep my head down but I can feel my checks flush red. Harry puts his fingers under my chin and oushes it uo so im looking at him. He smile. "Ya'know Cassandra?" "Yeah Harry?"

"This is kinda hard for me to say. But erm Ive uhh." Harrys face is getting very red and hes studdering like mad. "Ive liked you for a while now, all I can think about is you and-" I cut Harry off by kissing him. He kisses back lightly at first then rougher and filled with more and more love.

"Ive been wanting to do that forever." Harry says smiling. I smile in return and he hugs me.

We start to kiss again and soon it becomes heated . "why don't we take this to my room" I say grabbing harrys and and leading him into the house. I look back and see a smile plastered on his face." were here!" I say as we stop at my bedroom door. "great!" harry say a little to happily and I laugh.

He pushes me down on the bed. harry climbs ontop of me and starts to grind against me sending tingles through my body. "ARe you sure you want to do this?" harry asked as he grinds against me harder. "more sure then I'll ever be." I say nodding my head firmly.

"Good I was hoping you'd say that." harry blurts out inbetween small kisses in my neck.

Harry starts to move lower down my body making me tingle all over. harry removes my skinny jeans and panties right away.

Harry now has his head inbetween my legs "You taste better Than I thought" I hear him mumble into me

After about 10 minutes a see a large noticable bulge frowning In Harrys pants."we will have to do something about that won't we." I say with a smirk and harrys eyes light up with lust

He pulls of his pants and takes a condom out of his wallet. he slides it on. "Are you ready?" he asked once more. "yes." I say and harry boys down ok his lip as he enters me. I feel fireworks or plesure explode in me.

"Oh Cassandra!" harry yells"im close
" Me to Harry!" I say as I let out on him" he cums inside the condom. he pulls out and throws away the condom.

Harry lays next to me. "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Harry says with a smile as he kisses my forehead.

"I love you harry." I say and his face lights up with joy.

Okay I know I said I would do all the comments I got on Friday of before but I'm tired to ill get to the
After school tomorrow I promise if u dot have a lot of home work ill start around 3pm okay guys night ~ Anie

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