Chapter 1

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Anastasia P.O.V

I woke up in my bed with a loud beeep realizing that it's just my annoying alarm clock saying that it's already 8:00 a.m in the morning. I went downstairs after washing my face and brushing my teeth to get ready for the day. When i went downstairs I didn't find my mom and saw that she left a note for me on the table saying "good morning
An ! Be ready at 12:00 p.m you will finally meet Michael,meet me at mcdonalds
-Love lots mommy claire " so thats it im having a lunch with my mum and my soon to be stepfather michael at mcdonalds. But im okay with my mom marrying a new man since my dad died a years ago. I haven't met michael yet but i heard a lot of him from my mom saying that he's kind and generous, so im expecting that Michael will be nice and good to my mum and af course to me..

When I finished eating my breakfast,i went upstairs and took a bath to get ready for the lunch.i changed my clothes into a ripped jeans with a crop top and a sketchers. With my hair braided i also put a little lip gloss and a light mascara because im the type of girl who is girly but not so into makeups, high heels,dresses and definitely not into cheesy romance.Because im the type of girl whose obsessed with band and definitely with band members like the band of "5 seconds of summer" they're my favorite bands since im 14 and im telling you i really did have a big crush on luke hemmings their lead singer and obviously i think im in love with him badly coz me im a solid fangirl.

I walked inside mcdonalds and spot a familiar australian woman siiting with a guy which happens to be my mom and obviously michael.
So the lunch did well my mom already introduced michael to me. It seems michael is nice and gentleman the way he looks and acts. He looks like a year older to my mom cause my mom is only 49. I wonder if he had children or wife before, so i ask him. He response quickly saying that he had a wife and a son before, but they're already annulled 5 years ago while his son is living with him. He did also talk about his son saying that his name is Nick. He said that nick is a year older than me which means that he is 21. He also said that Nick is an actor which i found it amusing. I wonder how that Nick looks,but I would know maybe he looks handsome and kind like his father.

After the lunch, michael offered us a ride home. But I declined it politely saying that we have a car. When we got to the car to go home, i said to my mom that she looks happy with michael and that michael is kind. So which means i approved my mom marrying michael. About marrying, mom told me that she and Michael already talk about it and said maybe they will get married after 1 or 2 years because they both agreed that they still have to get to know each other even if they are friends since 2 years. I agreed about their decision but something came up to my mind and ask my mom that what will happen next when they got married. My mom pondered of the thought and said that they will talk about it next time.

Sooooo how's chapteer 1 guuuys ????????? Is it goood
Tell me if you've seen any mistakes and sorry about thaaaaat
Loveeeeee youuuuuuu alllll 😘😘😘😘😘😘

And by the way my real name is frances 😊😊😊😊
And im really obsessed with bands obviously 5 seconds of summer since 2014
Im a biiiiigg fan #5sos fam. And i do have a crush on lukeeee

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