Chapter 2

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I woke up in my bed again with a loud beep knowing it's my alarm clock. I look through the window and saw that it's still dawn but why this annoying alarm woke me up so early !! ... Uggh i know monday again an annoying monday to school. I get up quickly doing my daily routine when going to school. Today im going to school 6:30 a.m because my professor on my first period is strict so i get in the school bus for school.

As i exit the bus i went to the school gate and show my ID pass to the guards. I went to my first period English, great cause english is my favorite subject even if professor Smith is strict. I went to my usual seat in the back

After 3 periods and lunch break finally one more period and im gonna go home. I went to my last period literature, one of the subject im good at but not my favorite. Mrs. Nancy started writing a very long novel like notes on the board and unfortunately were gonna copy and review it because midterms are coming but then thankfully the bell rang informing us school is over. So i went to my locker to get my other things and surprisingly saw a unfamiliar boy standing by. I was shocked because god damn who knows this hot handsome boy at my age standing by my locker and knowing he's not from in here cause he's not wearing a uniform, he's wearing a loose t-shirt saying "Dont grow up, it's a trap" and a ripped jeans. I awkwardly asked " umm hey excuse me mister what are you doing in my locker ?". Surprisingly he smirked at me saying "are you Anastasia kingsleigh?" I got nervous when he said my name so I quickly responded " umm yes but how do you know my name and do i know you ?" and he said "umm you'll find it out soon sweet cheeks !" By that he walked away giving me a wink which i fell for and oooh the name he called sweet cheeks ughhh.... I started getting curious about this boy and also nervous.

When i went home from school, finally I got to my house and saw my mom so i greeted her a "heeey"."umm anastasia i need to tell you something" said my mom, i got worried about the thought and asked about what was she wants to tell me . "Were moving into Michael's house in a few weeks, but dont worry you dont have to transfer in another school cause michael's house is not far away from here" she explained . I think about the thought moving to a new house with my mom together with my stepfather and af course he's son which is new to me. I responded " umm mom but i thought well be moving in there after the wedding?" I asked and she responded " umm yes honey but it's hard when we are preparing for the wedding and were not gonna do it together"
I pondered knowing she has a point but im not that close to michael and I haven't met his son yet so which means will going to be hard for me adjusting things, and i said my point to my mom "dont worry anastasia, nick is nice ! and i bet you'll like him" she said,and i finally gave in "fine mom, but when were gonna be moving in there?" I asked and she replied "i still don't know yet honey but michael said maybe in a few weeks"

After the news i got from my mom i went upstairs to sleep but I showered first. I changed into my pajamas then head to bed thinking about the mysterious handsome boy i met earlier. I think about his lovely brown eyes,his rosy cheeks and his tall frame
wait am i admiring him no way he's a stranger but he looks so handsome and i think he's nice inside. Then after that i drifted off to sleep.

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