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The next day came out nice,

The usual, me wakin up then going to school.


I saw the Hot Creep again !!!

I still can't believe i bumped into him while going to school.

I was supposed to go to school when i remembered that i forgot my ID at home.

how stupid right !

well that doesn't end there, and that's when i bumped into the Hot Creep.

Ooooffff !

oh my gosh ! did i just bumped into a wall.

until the wall starts to speak

wait , What  !?!?!!

Do walls speak now ?

Hey, i know that voice...


" may i ?"

the voice spoke, extending his arm to me.

i , then slowly looked up at him.

Oh my shaking gosh.

Why does he have to be so freakinn damn handsome !!!

and out of all people, why do i have to bumped into him !

I mean...

I could bumped into harry styles or kim taehyung right ?

pushing away my thoughts, i quickly stand up

not lookin into his eyes

" uh no tthanks , im fine"

I said , trying not to sound nervous.

with that, i walked away avoiding his gaze.

I could still feel his eyes on me while walking, so i started to walk faster

and , did i just heard him chuckle ??!?

how annoying.

and cute.



" Okay class , don't forget to bring the following materials tomorrow."

Then the bell rang.

finally ! Lunch time !!!!

" the food today doesn't really taste good , you know ."

" uh what ? , whyyy ? ".  Reed asked while munching on her sandwich.

" i mean look at those soup and the sandwich that you're eating , aren't they a bit -"

" a bit , what ? " she cuts me off then licks the remaining ketchup on her fingers .

" ughh , nevermind . maybe im just not in the mood."

" yeah , i noticed !  something is up to you. come on, spill it "

then i told her what happened earlier about the Hot Creep and my awkward yet embarrassing moment with him .

" seriouslyyyy !?!!  oh gosh he must've been really handsome and oh his creepiness is such a turn on. " 

" Hey ! , you didn't even care about my embarrassing moment ".

I complain , while crossing my arms and pouting my lips.

with that, she just laughed .

Typical Reed !

" oh sorry ! , i just got carried away . "

" yeah sure , Reed . you always act like that when we are talking about hot guys !  "

" well if that happened to me , i wish to bump into Yoongi  or  Tae !!! "

" Hey !!! ,  Taehyung is mine ! , i thought  you were  loyal to Yoongi ?! what a shame Reed ! "

" well ,  i thought you were loyal to your luke heymmings too ! "

" it's  HEMMings !!! not heymmings ! " 

I said while hitting her arm, i mean she already has  Yoongi ! and even my precious tae tae ! .

" whatever ! , heymmings, hamings, hamstrings , it's probably the same ! "

" let's just have all of them ! "

" i  agree !!! "

Typical Reed  everyone !!!

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