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The next day at school, i told Reeed about my encounter with the "Hot Creep".
The nickname i got for him sounds funny but it just suits him perfectly.

"Omg !!! i want to see him, omg omg !!! Does he look like like Zac efron ?". She ask while freaking out, not caring about the pair of eyes staring at us in the canteen.

"Well not totally", i replied honestly.

"But how does he know your name ? are you sure you don't know him ?". she asked while her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yes im sure I don't know him, in fact if i did. you're the first person to know".

"Well in that case, he's really a creep". She said, shaking her head.

"A HOT CREEP !!!", we both said while giggling loudly and all of the people in the canteen looking at us like we're freaks.

"Maybe we should calm down and eat our sandwiches". i said seriously

"Physics is my next period and we both know what Mrs. Fudjese does to her late students". she added up before taking a big bite of her sandwich.

"Well unlucky you, Reeed". i said to her before finishing the last piece of my sandwich".


After our break, Reeed and i separated our ways. She went for her Physics class and i went for my locker to get a couple of books i need in my English class. While walking to my locker, I didn't see any signs of the "Hot Creep", just a few students gathering around to their own lockers and gossiping to each other. I opened my locker and suddenly a piece of paper fell down, i picked it up from the floor and read it, " im looking forward to see you again chica" it says with a wink face. Well there's only one person who calls me "chica".
I look around to see any signs of him but i saw nothing so i get my books and went for my English class. Just a couple of minutes after i got in, Mr. Lein arrived with loads of papers in his hands. All the students got quiet and stopped whatever they're doing when they saw Mr. Lein. Then we greeted him.

"Hello to all of you my beloved students! now you may take your seats". He said happily then we took our seats and wait for him to discuss. He put the papers to his desk and started writing something on the board with a chalk. On the board it says " NCH CAMPING YEAR 2017" and the class was filled with murmurs and confusion.
The NCH Camping (North Crimson High) , the time of the year where we'll go camping outdoors. It usually happens in the middle of the year, but I don't know why they announced it very early this time.

"So class, im sure all of you know what happens in our yearly camping and i know that some of you are confuse, because usually we know that our camping were often announced in the middle of the year." Mr. Lein said, and all of the students nodd their heads in approval.

"Camping isn't  my thing, you know", a deep whisper came from my behind. Ryan Adams, North Crimson High's  'Total Nerd' with his thick glasses and nerd instincts. He's always been the nerd that you'll see in the movies, where he gets bullied and picked on. Ryan was named being the 'total Nerd' since year seven when he confessed his undying love for none other than the Queen Bee and a total Regina Gorge of North Crimson High which is Nancy Steele. Well all of you know for a fact, of course he got rejected straight away and also got beaten up by Nancy's so called boyfriend Rocky Walker, the only reason why he dated Nancy in the first place because he got rejected by me and that also happened in year seven. Well, who wouldn't even date the Rocky Walker of North Crimson High : he's a heartthrob hottie and a total Zac Efron. All of the girls wanted his attention and me, i rejected him. That's because in year seven, Nancy was a friend of mine well not long enough when she knew that Rocky, her crush likes me and she got jealous and all. Then we didn't became friends after that because i found out her true colors.

"Yes of course, we all know that", i said to him. coming back to reality after the memories of year seven filled my thoughts.

Mr. Lein cleared his throat and began speaking again. "So class, this year 2017 our school camping will be different from the past years and this time we're gonna make sure that all of us will enjoy it more."

"So what's the catch?" an annoying voice of Nancy interrupted Mr. Lein's discuss.

"Ms. Steele, now im telling you that I don't really like that attitude of yours so you better be quiet and let me finish to what im gonna say, and that's the same to all of you". then suddenly all of us started listening to Mr. Lein again.

Mr. Lein begin speaking again, "now where were we, right. So this time the board members of our school decided to add some more fun and cool stuffs in our camping. That's because we found out that these past few years, our yearly camping didn't seem to be that fun and entertaining to all of us. So I'll be giving you this papers to know the full details about our camping."

Mr. Lein grabbed the papers  from his desk and gave it to some dude at the front row to pass it in each and everyone of us.

"first page on your papers everyone". Mr. Lein said.

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