Red Fang

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     "Good morning," i said stretching  and yawning at the same time. I scratched my back and looked beside me. "oh my fluff," i said shrieking and getting up off the floor. Which also caused Adrien to wake up. "Whats wrong Trav," Adrien said half asleep. "Adrien...I...did we....ummm.."i started to blush and ran to my bed and hid under my bed sheets. "D-Did we do it last night, Adrien," i said in a shaky examined our clothes scattered every where and realized that I was naked and so was Adrien. "Well I'm pretty sure we did Trav," Adrien said blushing and rubbing the back of his head.
     "How could you just say that so calmly!?! My ass hurts like hell," I said. "Oh hehe," Adrien with a nervous tone to his voice. I winced in pain as I rubbed my ass and heard a buzz coming from my phone.

Mom: hey just wanted to let you know that your father is out of the coma...I'll be coming home shortly around tomorrow or today. I love you.

I shrieked from the reply and looked at Adrien than at my phone. "What? Is there something on my face?!?" Adrien said rubbing his face with his hand. "No nothing....just fucking take a shower and help me get rid of the "evidence". My moms coming home later today and she's gonna smell sex in my room," I said flipping out. Adrien just looked at me and stood up and went straight to the shower. I sighed and continued cleaning up all my stuff and changing my bed sheets.

Time skip

"Finally everything is cleaned," I said sighing while gliding down to the floor. I opened my eyes to Adriens lips on mine. "Well I think it's time for me to go," Adrien said smiling at me. I smiled and clutched onto him for a long time. "Let's do this again next time," I whispered into his ear as I let go of him. Adrien smirked and left out the door. I shut the door as I slid down the door to the floor. "That was exhausting," I sighed as I fell asleep on the cold tiled floor.
"Do you Adrien Agreste take Travis Strider to be your lovely wedded wife?" It was a strange dream. I was in a wedding dress and Adrien was holding my hands and stared into my eyes. "I do," he said smiling at me. "You may kiss the bride," said the preist. Adrien leaned in and I did to....but..... Than I woke up.

End Dream

Damit I thought as I wiped the saliva from my face. I was so close. It was oddly quiet. I began searching for Red. "Red! " I yelled out. I found him peacefully on my pillow sleeping. "Pssst...Red~. It's time to fight crime," I whispered to him as I gave him a couple of pokes on his face. "Ughhh 5 more mins," Red said flipping onto his stomach. I sighed and grabbed him and put him into my my pocket as I went outside to get some fresh air.


I was already heading back to my place from the park and I decided to drop by marionettes place. Only for the baked goods that is. I opened the door and the bell rang. I saw marionette and smiled. "Hey Travis," she said with a bright smile. "Hey Mari id like the usual please," I said putting my hands in my pocket. Marionette nodded her head and started packing the baked goods in a brown paper bag. "Here u go," she said putting the brown paper bag in a plastic bag with the store logo on it. "Thanks Mari," I said leaving the money on the counter and heading for the door. I left smelling the brownies and muffins.

Another TimeSkip to the next day

I felt my ass hurting less than from the night before. I woke up early so i had time for a nice relaxing bath. I turned on the water to the high amount I wanted and began to add the soupy mixture. I stripped off all of my clothes and stepped into the tub and got comfortable. I decided to set off a timer so I would have time to get dressed for school.
15 mins had passed and my alarm went off. Groaning because I didn't want to go to school I got up dried my body and hair and got ready for school. I put on my usual wear and decided that I would take my skate board to school. I grabbed my phone and my back pack and headed for school.

Another timeskip

I popped up my skate board and began walking the rest to school. Walking up the steps, a flier had caught my eye. Mostly every one has the Orange flyer. I walked inside and these people had a stack of orange flyers. I decided to eventually grab one and read it:

Please students join us for our first school dance. There will be games and amazing prizes you will be able to win. You will obviously be aloud to wear costumes and we will be holding a costume contest. Scariest , cutest, or most creative wins a 50 dollar gift card. Hope to see everyone there.
(Oct. 31st Fri. ) (7:00-9:30)

Wow seems interesting. I wonder if I should ask Adrian if we should go together I thought to myself folding the paper and stuffing it into my back pocket. I mean it's next week so I'm sure he would want to go. I was so distracted I bumped into a much taller boy than me falling and caught on time by the boy. "Hello there," he said giving me a smile. "U-ugh," I couldn't say anything right. "Wait I've never seen you around are you new around here?" I said standing up on my two feet. "Why yes my name is Nikresto Blades. But you could just call me Niko," he said shaking my sweaty palms."My names Travis but you could call me Trav," I said putting one of my hands in my pocket. "Well since you know this place mind if you help me to my first class," Niko said showing me his schedule." Oh yeah sure. ....Let's says here...oh wow you have the same class as me," I said smiling wide. The bell rang and we both glanced at each other. "Well come one Niko we wouldn't want to be tardy for your first day," I said smirking.

Hello my dearest muffins...yes I know you guys have been waiting for a chapter but I had a huge writers block. Anyways back to talking about this chapter. Well there will be a part two I'm just still coming up with ideas and I already have two people that are going to be in my next chapter which is NIKMEEOOW and ShapeShifter8745 . If you guys are interested in being in my chapter. . Just message me if you want to be in it and I'll will tell u the details. I'm only going to let 3 more people. Anyways thanks you muffins for 5k reads XD I really do appreciate it because this lets me know that people actually enjoy my stories and it inspires me to continue weighting my stories thank u so much <3. Thank you guys have a nice day and thank u for understanding. ( I'm hoping to make the next chapter published by February) <3

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