Red Fang (last chapter?!?)

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(PLEASE READ IMPORTANT) So before this chapter starts i just wanted to say thank you all for making this possible. I have 13k reads and still counting. This is the end of the book. So thank you for sticking with me from the begining to end.....or is this the end? About the story im sorry it took me such a long time to update. I had ran out of ideas for this chapter and I've been very unorganized. So anyways. Adrien had eventually went to Travis house had bought him a giant bear and asked him to the dance. Travis said yes even though he was still broken from the death of his father. (Sorry it had to be so depressing) travis is still depressed but tries to pull himself together. Without further or dooooo. Take it away


Third Pov

The day had finally come. It was the day of the Halloween dance. Im getting second thoughts about going Travis thought to himself. He was laying on his bed looking like a mess. It was about 6:00 am and he decided to put his shit together. He loved his father like hell. Even though he is in a better place now. His father knows that Travis loved him and cared about him. Travis knew his father wouldn't want Him to be like this. He took a shower and got dressed for the day. Travis than glanced himself in the mirror to see the damaged. He had bags under his eyes because of crying himself to sleep every night. "Chin up Travis. Dont forget about your big day," Red said trying to cheer him up. Red flew to the giant bear that Adrien had bought for Travis and with all his might dragged it towards him. "Hehe. Dont worry red ill be fine. I know youre just looking out for me but i really am fine," Travis told Red smiling. "Hmm," red hummed as he remembered the time Alya had said ," if a girl says shes fine. Then shes not fine." "yeah im not sure," Red said placing a paw at his chin. "Oh cut it you," Travis said jumping to the giant bear landing on top of it. "I promise I'll be fine Red. Trust me," Travis said booping Reds nose. "Fine," Red said with a tint of embarrassment blush.

Adrien was in front of the school waiting for Travis to arrive. "He's coming Adrien don't worry," Plagg said to Adrien. "I don't know Plagg. Maybe he had seco-" Adrien was swiftly cut of by arms wrapped around him. "Guess who," A familiar voice said. Adriens heart lit up. Adrien turned around and saw Travis. Adrien wanted to kiss him but knew that maybe it wasn't the right time. He wanted Travis to recover first. "Travis. I missed you," Adrien said pulling him in for a hug. "Let me take it from here," Travis said kissing Adrien. "I thought." Adrien said when he was cut off by a finger being placed on his lips. "Lets just leave it at that," Travis said heading up the stairs to their school.


"Alright class since its the dance and it's a friday. Ill let you guys have free time only for today," she said opening a book and reading it. The title of the book read Fifty Shades of Gray but was quickly covered with another book cover. "Wow," Travis said sitting in the back with Nathaniel and Niko. "What is it?" Niko said doodling a bit with Nathaniel. "Oh its nothing..really," Travis looking off to the side. Niko shrugged it off and continued to doodle with Nathaniel. "So...have you asked anyone to go to the dance with?" Travis said trying to get over the fact that his teacher is reading porn. "Oh yeah i have." Niko began to blush and placed his pen down. "You know Kyle. Short guy around your height. He's a four eyes," Niko said looking down at Travis. "Oh Kyle Lester. Yeah I've seen him around. I've talk to him like once or twice," Travis said. "Kyle is going as a devil and im going as a wolf" he said to Travis. "Oh im going as a wolf too and Adriens going as a cat," Travis began blushing just imaging him in cat ears. (TRAVIS ARE YOU BLIND He's CLEARLY CHAT NOIR)
"Alright students the bells about to ring ill let you out early," the teacher said while looking at her book. Travis felt shivers down his back. "See you around you two," Travis said to Niko and Nathaniel. "Catch ya later," Niko said as Travis tried to catch up with Adrien.

Time Skip go follow me on instagram (wattpad_swagamuffin30)

Travis Pov

"Alright class dismissed. Ill see everyone at the dance," the teacher said typing stuff into his computer. This is it Travis. The time has finally come. I thought to myself. I ran out of my classroom as fast as i could going down the steps and running to the directions to my house. I heard faint crying but i couldnt find where it was. It sounded like a cat. Red got out of my pocket which got my mind off of it. "Why are you in a rush princess," red said flying​ next to me as i was still running. I made a stop in front of my house."pssh shut up," i said put red back into my pocket. " hi honey how was school," my mom said as i ran up stair to my room." it was great," i yelled back as i opened the door. " alright lets get hot," i said smirking. "I dont like that," Red said flying out of my jacket and sitting on my bed. "Im just messing with ya," i said making red blush. "Why are you getting ready this early and ways?" Res said. " We've still got a an hour left." "Do you think you just wake up like this. I got to shower and put my make up do my hair," Travis said holding in a laugh. "Ok i believe the make up part," Red said snickering a bit."oh quiet you that was a joke."

Time skip cause why not.

"Alright how do i look," I said looking myself in the mirror waiting for Red to respond. "Why couldn't you just go as Red Fang it would have been more legit," Red said. "You should have TOLD ME THAT WHEN I WAS SHOPPING FOR MY COSTUME," i yelled at red. "Well i was going to tell you after but you were on the phone with your man. "Mmmm...lets just go," i said as Red flew behind me. " Mom! Im outta here," i said as i heard quick foot steps run towards me. "Oh sweet heart you look amazing. Let me take a picture." Before she took a picture there was a knock on the door. "Hehe well guess ive got to answer that," i said opening the door to Adrien Mari Nino and Alya. "Wow you guys look amazing. I've got to take a picture. Hurry Travis come on squeeze in everyone. Say cheese!" my mom said as a bright light hit us. " alright mom we've got to go. Love you," i said hugging her and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Love you to you guys be safe," she said leaving inside. "Sorry this was so last minute babe. I decided to surprise you." Adrien said. We walked up the steps before Adrien stopped me. " you guys go on ahead. Im going to do something quick," Adrien said winking to them. "What happened?" i said worried. "Well I just wanted to know if you were alright. I mean you didn't have to-" I quickly cut him off with a peck on the lips."Adrien I'm perfectly fine. Let's just go and have fun. I don't want to a party pooper,"I said smiling and kissing him on the cheek. "Are you sure? Cause we can just," he was cut off by me again. "It's fine Adrien lets go," I said pulling him towards the school."alright," he said as we entered the school. Once we entered in we handed in our tickets. They than stamped us with some uv ink. (Idk what it's called). We went through some black curtains being greeted by the rest. "Hey you two. It's about time you guys came inside," Alya said smirking at us. I felt my cheeks get warm. "Ummm I love your costume Marinette," I said changing the subject. "Thanks," she said. She was wearing a cat costume. How iconic right. Adrien was dressed up as a vampire and Alya was dressed up as ladybug. Nino went as Frankenstein and I of course am a wolf. "So you guys down to go in the haunted house and the haunted maze?" Alya said giving me a look. We all agreed in unison.

<This story is brought to you by the year of 2018> also time skip to them dancin>
BRUUUH IM SO SORRY EVERYONE FOR LEAVING YOU GUYS HANGING!!! I've been out of ideas recently so I hope you enjoy this short chapter I wrote. I'll try my best to finish it up but this book is almost coming to an end. If you guys could please check out my new book my hero Academia x male oc. It's in the works right now. I'll be sure to write the last chapter. I hope you enjoy~ love you my muffins <3 (ps there's going to be a bunch of errors because I wrote this in 2018 and I'm a bit lazy to go over it 😣)

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