Red Fang (part 2)

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Travis POV fix it thx

     i grabbed Niko's arm and started rushing to our first class. (Low-key I don't know the names of their teachers so if you want you could comment some teacher names)

     We manage to arrive without tripping surprisingly, and we were about the first ones there. "oh hello Travis. Who's your friend," (insert teacher name here) said. "Oh this is my friend Nikresto Blades. But he'd rather be called Niko." I said smiling proudly."nice to meet you Niko," she said smiling at him."Now once class starts you will be sitting next to this boy in the back. His name is Nathaniel Kurtzberg. He has red hair so im pretty sure it will be easy to find him,"She said as other fellow students began rushing in trying to be late. "And don't worry Travis I will be moving you to a new seat as well. I usually start students off with Nathaniel since he is very quiet."

      I nodded my head as i standed next to Niko. Niko was a lot taller than I was. I had to look up at him in order to see his face better. I was only 5'7 and Adrien is like 5'11. Well on the bright side I can call adrien shorty now. Being lost in my thoughts i didn't notice i was still staring up at Niko. Niko looked at me and winked. I blushed a little as everyone sat down. "Alright student take your seats. We have a new student and his name is Nikresto Blades but he would rather be referred as Niko. Niko please go take a seat next to Nathaniel.Nathaniel please raise your hand."The teacher said as Nathaniel rose his hand. "And as for you Travis go take a seat right next to..-" At that moment i was ready for her to say Adrien until she said "Chloe."i froze. "Sorry can you repeat that again?"I said still shocked. "Chloe. Please go and sit next to Chloe. Sabrina will not be here for a couple of days because of personal reasons."The teacher said as she began taking role. I stared at Adrien and back at Chloe. "I cant believe it,"i thought as i took a deep breath. You see Chloe and I had a "history" on my first day of school here. I'm just hoping she still does not have a crush on me. "Hello Trav~,"she said with a happy tone while leaning closer to me. "You don't mind if I call you that right?" She said hugging my arm. I sighed and said," doesn't bother me one." I faked a smile and tried breaking from her grasp but failed. This is going to be a long couple of days I thought to myself.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. Chloe left and turned and winked at me and walked out. I shrugged my shoulders and put my belongings into my backpack. A note was under my last book that I needed to store away. It read : To Trav
Dear Trav,
I was thinking....I want to invite you to dinner at my house. It's tomorrow after school I'm hoping you do say yes and don't let me down. Phone number (hdu)-joh-jcfi. (P.S. you can bring a friend or family member to dinner ;)

I cringed at the thought and shoved the note into my pocket. I grabbed my stuff and went to look for Adrien. I walked down a hall and took a right and bumped into someone. "Damit. Sorry-". We both looked at each other and gasped. Could it really be I thought to myself. Luna Sapphire. "L-luna. Is that really you," I said stuttering a bit. "Hey Travis," Luna said smiling at me with her icy blue eyes. We embraced each other. Alright I know you guys are probably wonder who she is. Flash back time >.<

(Flash back)
I was in the first grade and I was partners with Luna. Luna and I had a curious relationship. Like every classical boys I thought girls were icky and had cooties. But over the years we eventually became friends. And before I left to pairs it was a very devastating moment. She cried into my arms as I comforted her. "Guess this is goodbye," I said still hugging her with her face buried into my chest. "I'm going to miss you," Luna said whipping all of her snot on my shirt. "My flight leaves tomorrow first thing in the morning," I kissed her head and we finally said our goodbyes.


"So how you been Travis," she said smiling. "Oh I've been fine," I said scratching the back of my head. "How did you manage to come here to Paris anyways?" I said in curiosity."well I begged my parents to move here to Paris so I could reunite with you so in conclusion I'm only staying here for a week or so," she said smiling again. The thing about Luna was that she was also a fellow miraculous user. She had told me before I left. She was Red fox or also known as foxy. She held the fox miraculous and her and I would fight crime in the night. But after I told her the news i asked her to take care of the city. "Right. I think we should head off to the lunch room," I said breaking the silence.
     "Right," she said with a firm grin. We walked the halls towards the lunch room and she said," so how you been here in Paris?" "Well I've been good... I mean we do fight crime here surprisingly," I said smiling. "That's awesome. Now I get to show the city of Paris my stuff," she said posing like a superhero. "Hey Travis!over here!" I heard someone yell as I turned around to look who it was. Adrien. I thought to myself. Shit if she find out I'm gay....she'll have a fan girl breakdown. I quickly grabbed her arm and ran her towards Adrien. "Wow you have gotten way faster than when you were in America," said brushing her jeans off. "Oh hey Travis. Who's your friend," he said kinda with a pissed of stare. "Oh this is my bestfriend from America. She just came to visit for only a week," I said giving her a friendly side hug. Adrien grabbed me around the neck and said,". Well I'll have you know that this here is my b-." Before he could finish his sentence I quickly said "best friend here in Paris." I awkwardly smiled at her and then at Adrien. "Can you give me and Adrien a moment please," I said as she nodded and pulled Adrien away. "What's the matter tra-" "that "matter" is that Luna can't find out I'm gay," i said to him with pleading eyes. "Well why not does she not like gays?" He said kind of smad (sad/mad). "No it's just....she gets all fangirly and then she will cause a scene," I said slouching a little. "Don't worry babe I will act like a total friend," adrien said giving me a peck on the cheek. I smiled and then widen my eyes in shock. Luna had been standing there and saw Adrien kiss me. I saw her eyes fill up with pleasing joy. "You're gay!?!?"

What is up my muffins I apologize that this chapter took a while. Just to let y'all know this chapter might have 3 or 4 parts to this specific chapter. The characters I used in the chapter were NIKMEEOOW and Luna8325 Just to let y'all know also I do have all the characters I needed so I won't be needing anymore requests maybe later on in the years. Also I need some teacher names like I have one which is one Ms. Birchwood but I probably just need two more names. It's can be any male or female. Maybe if I have more ideas I will be posting another chapter in two weeks or maybe later next month. I just wanted to Thank you guys for reading my chapters I reached to 6k reads on this book thank you. Love you my muffins. And I will be seeing you in my next chapter. Byyyyye <3

This is brought to you by a shoutout and a Q&A:

Well it's not technically a shout ot. It's just someone I'd like you to go check out and it's my good friend loveboy1738 you should definitely check him out cause I love reading his books. (About: yaoi)

Question by MysticMage13
"How do you look like in real life?(will you do a face reveal. If not that's fine)"
Author-chan: well you see I look like a person. And probably I won't be doing a face reveal because I'm not that comfortable with the app. Even if I've had this app for like 3 and 1/2 years already. Maybe once I'm older. Don't worry no hard feelings :3

(Please do leave a question down in the comments I'll answer any and maybe follow you :3)

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