26 Shocking twins

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Blue's POV

Kat and Cole stormed in trough the kitchen doors making the three of us turn to them and as soon as we saw them we all burst into a fit of slaughters, '' W-what the hell did you do with your hair babe? '' Luke choked out .

'' H-he electrocuted me! '' Kat said looking astonished, her hair all spiked up . If she would say she played with the socket, i would have believed her. While me, Adam and Luke laughed at them, Cole tried to defend himself.

'' Not true! '' he said and earned himself a death glare from Kat. '' Not fucking true?!'' Kat hissed at him.

'' You freaking pointed at me and- and electrocuted me!" she yelled at him looking bewildered.

'''Okay, okay maybe i did... but it wasn't on purpose, it just happened. '' He said quickly and held his hands up in defense.

'' Wait a second, how do you mean he shocked you? Oh and you look smoking hot babe ..... you get it? smoking- hot.'' Luke had even the nerve to wink at Kat, she looked like she would blow up any minute and when Cole burst into a fit of laughter she did really blow up. Kat bared her teeth and hissed at Cole pointing her forefinger on him.

'' You- you stupid lousy pig head, I wish- '' and before Kat could finish her sentence a silver shining light poured out of her fingertip and hit Cole in his chest, there was a blow but he didn't get hurt only now he matched the looks of his sister. I swear Kat looked exactly like Hermoine with her magic staff.

The kitchen was deadly silent. Me, Adam and Luke were looking between the two of them with wide eyes until Luke broke the silent. '' Kat how the hell did you do that? '' he asked still staring at her finger. Kat was staring at her own hand in shock. '' I-i d-don't know '' she said.

'' I think that's your new power '' I heard Adam say next to me, of course it was!

'' Now I think about it, this all started when Blue got that rash on her arm right? '' Luke said turning to me.

'' I- um.'' I stuttered when they all turned their heads to me.

'' Well think about it for a second, first you got that rash then it turned into some kind of a tattoo and than we discovered that Adam also had the same rash on his right arm what also turned into a tattoo and THEN all of a sudden we all started to get powers one after another '' He said that all in one breath.

'' Don't you all get it? Blue started it! ''

I did? everyone was quit when we heard muffled voices, than Clairy and Jack walked in.

" Why does everyone always forget to invite me when there's a party?! "
Jack blurted out looking excited, he had a huge grin on his face but when his eyes landed on Kat and Cole, a mix of confusion and amusement replaced the grin.

'' Alright everyone, let's get to the business shall we? '' Cairy asked but didn't wait for our answer, she just turned to leave.

'' Wait a sec,- '' I stopped her. '' your not gone ask what happened to those two? '' I pointed my finger at Kat and Cole.

'' No. '' Was al she said and left.

'' Don't worry Blue, she already knows. Now lets go outside, I hope your're all ready for this. '' Jack said rubbing his hand together.

'' Ready for what? '' Cole asked looking confused.

'' Ready for our training you numb nuts ''

'' Ow.. '' was all he said. '' i'm going to wash my face and do something with this. '' Kat said pointing at her hair.


Twenty minutes later we all stood in our backyard. Clairy had already prepared everything .

'' Alright everyone, as you know starting from today i'm going to train you and when i'm done you all will be combat ready. Now I want you to form pairs of two for a hand-to-hand combat. I want to see what each one of you is capable of before we start with the real thing. ''

Automatically me and Kat walked to each other, Adam and Luke formed a pair and poor Jack was stuck with Cole. We were all kind of standing there not knowing how to start.

'' Well come on, don't just stare at each other, I want to see you all sparring!. '' Clairy yelled at us.

Cole kind of launched himself at Jack, but of course Jack dodged him easy. After all, he is Clairy's son. Adam and Luke were also sparring and before I noticed Kat moving, i felt her fist right into my stomach, making me double over, she snickered thinking she already won but I recovered fast and went straight to her direction.Quickly I grabbed her right arm and threw her over me on the ground, before she could move I grabbed her arm again and twisted her on her back making her scream in pain. We continued sparing for another thirty minutes.

'' Enough. '' Clairy yelled making us stop.

'' To be honest I'm surprised, you're not that bad after all, that means we can skip the basics and begin with the real thing.''

Clairy was a real drill sergeant, she didn't let us get a break once.

'When you're at war you can't have a break either! '' she yelled at us again.

The following days she kept training us in every way possible. normal humans would take months to train at our level but because we weren't really human it took us just days. By the end of the week we were able to handle every weapon imaginable. She taught us many traditional martial arts from Japan but also reality based martial arts., the kind you often would see in movies about the navy seals but there was one style I admired the most, Krav Maga. The primary focus is on empowering people with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in conflict and win in a violent confrontation.

'' Let's call it a day. I want you to get rest, tomorrow we will add your gifts to the training. '' and without waiting for response or whatsoever she just turned and left.

Tomorrow is gone be one interesting day!

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