Book 3: The Psychology Of Social Awareness

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Book 3


(Tentative Title: The Psychology Of Social Awareness In The Nihilistic Realm)


Book 3: Adjectives as a matter of labeling


1.    Adjectives set a label as to which it discriminates, in a matter of negativity, or at least flatter, in the matter of positivity. Moreover, adjectives provide information that makes others perceive what the “label” clearly states. Adjectives that work with an individual generated by others relinquish the personal understanding of oneself to him/herself. Furthermore, it derogates a better understanding of an individual and restricts personal acknowledgement by the society. Aware in a fact, the society is ignorant of deterrence but not the physical existence of oneself.


2.    Adjectives at its paramount are merely a matter of highly flattering or highly derogative that convicts a person into his/her own matter of self-acknowledgement. Excessive flattery or excessive derogation often leads to failure to conceive truth and only intensely constructed modifiers of oneself. It leads to imaginary persona and creates an alter ego that doesn’t exist. The truth inside an individual’s character is often negated by external forces that make one vulnerable from the inside. Due to this, blindness of own personality occurs in a person.


3.    Dominant traits are traits that stand out from a person. i.e. the physique, the acts, the manner of speaking. Hidden ones are called recessive ones that are often misplaced by the individual him/herself. Dominant traits serve as the basis of the society to offer one an adjective that describes him/her best. i.e. a loud senator, a corrupt mayor, a forlorn punk. Analysis shows that what an average person firstly sees is the negativity since it is the turbulence of perfection. Through that, the society becomes nihilistic of the micro cellular view of an individual which is a fallacy in Social Awareness. Furthermore, the dominant trait usually refers to the greatly seen attribute of an individual that happens to be a fallacy to his/her well being.


4.    Recessive trait sits in the self-keeping of an individual. Recessive traits are traits that one keeps for secret and abbreviates the scope of the society to view the internal concept of an individual. In a matter of speaking, he/she, him/herself, makes it hard for the community to conceive the true person that the society needs to know. Recessive, be it negative or positive, is not a fallacy to one self’s well-being since it provides merely the fundamentals of a person’s concept. In contrast with Dominant traits, Recessive ones are not influenced by external noises. However, Recessive traits are sensitive to internal control. In accord, Social Awareness also befalls on the individual and suffers from the society’s manner of modification to oneself.


5.    Likewise, adjectives are the doors to enter one’s internal self. However, that individual still possesses the rightful jurisdiction to be any persona he/she wishes him/herself to be. The social push to insist their adjective towards self-seeking and self-knowing. In this matter, the sensitive self morality is affected and muted by the external force that always leads to an unproductive character or unprogressive personality.




In sum: Adjectives construct or deteriorate at best.

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