CHAP 18- Michigan

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Cameron's POV-
We get to the airport and board the plane. We were the first ones on. I loved how it's just me Matt and Adriana. It was nice. I have never been to Michigan but it seems really nice. "Im cold." Adriana said. I pulled up the arm rest and grabbed my sweatshirt gave it to her and cuddled with her. I fell asleep cuddled up to her.

Adriana's POV-.
I didn't wanna wake up Cameron so I grabbed my phone and started to text Matt

A- what did that kiss mean earlier?
M- I don't know. I was just... stupid and let my real feelings out.
A- so you like me.?
M- yeah I guess so.
A- Matty you know I am in love with Cameron. And I like you as a best friend only.
M- I know. I didn't expect you too like me in return I just wanted you to know my feelings for you.

I stopped for a minute and grabbed Matt's hand you are my best friend I whispered. He smiled "forever" he whispered. I fell asleep. I woke up to Matt shaking me and Cam. "Guys time to get off." He said. We got up and get off the plain. "Where do you wanna go to get a hotel room?" Cameron asked . we ended going to one a few miles from the airport.okay we have no single rooms. "Cameron and Adriana. You two can stay in one with me and Glinsky? Okay." Matt asked."okay." I said with a smile. We head up to our room we got room 347.  We go in and me and Cam got the bed closest to the door. And Glinsky and Matt got the one by the window. We all look when Glinsky bursts through the door. "Whats up my bitches!" He yelled. "Glinsky!" I said and jumped up and hugged him."hey beautiful!" He said. I could tell Cam got q little jealous when he calls me that. Or when the boys use my nicknames but.. I have always been called them. "I am going to go get food. Bye." Glinsky said and walked out. "I am going to go help the boys unload there stuff. By the boys I mean Taylor." I say and walk out.

Cameron's POV-
Adriana left her phone. I grab it and take a selfie and post it on Instagram. I put. •stole my girlfriend's phone😈• "is that Adriana's phone?"Matt asked. "Yeah I posted a pic on Instagram." I said laughing.  I clicked into her messages to read our textes when I saw Matt's. I clicked into it real quick and I read that Matt kissed Adriana. I stood up and walked up to him. "You kissed Adriana?" I said Angry almost yelling "yeah but it was a complete accident." He said. " Really cause the text say other wise. Do you know how much I wanna punch you Matt?" I say. And walk out and slam the door. I walked to Taylors room and saw Adriana. "Adriana can i talk to you?" I say. We walk out into the Hall. "You kissed Matt? What the hell!" I yelled. "He kissed me. I dont like him like that. " She said. "Really?" I ask she nodded.i hug her so tight. "Thank God." I say "okay I am going to go hang out with Taylor." She said I nodded and I went to go do something. I didn't know what but I didn't wanna see Matt. I ended up going to a burger place. And eatting. I had to get my mind of of them kissing so I didn't have the verge to turn around and beat Matt. So Manny thoughts were going through my head.

Matt's POV-.
Shit Cameron is going to beat me. I told him it was an accident but that was a lie. I kissed her cause I have feelings for her. Not randomly. I hear the door shut. And Adriana walks in. "You spilled didn't you?" She demanded. I was confused. "Bout what?" I asked. "The kiss. You brought it up and tolled Cameron about the kiss and now he is pissed at you and me." She said angry. "I didn't tell Cameron anything about the kiss."I tell her. "Then how did he found out?" She demanded. "He uhh was on your phone. He must of looked through our texts." I tell her. "1 he gets yelled at for going threw my phone. And 2 you will be explaining what happened between us." She said I  slowly agreed. As she let ot an angry sigh. "You better go find him because he stormed off after talking about it." She said I nodded and stood up and walked out the door. I was looking for about 2hours. And I couldn't find him so I went back to the hotel room and sat down. "No luck?" Adriana asked with a worried look in her voice. I shook my head. She sat down when the door opened.

Adriana's POV-
I sit down when the door opened and I saw Cameron. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. He hugged me tight. I pulled away and looked at Cam. "What the hell. Where were you? I was scared to death." I yelled at him. "I had to go on a walk. I am sorry." He said and glared at Matt. "Okay well you stormed off. And Matt kissed me. It meant nothing to me. I love you Cameron you know I would never do that to you." I said. I could tell he felt bad now. But was still angry at Matt. "Yeah it was my fault." Matt added. Cameron glared at him again. "Your lucky i dont punch you so be quite." Cameron said . "Well Cameron now you get to be yelled at for looking through my texts. I was chill with you on my phone but texts are off limits got it?" I said fermily. He nodded. "Good." I tell him and grabbed his hand and drug him over to the bed and ploped down. He just stood there with a look on his face. I pull my self up and kiss him. He kissed back, I loved having him back. He layed down and decided to cuddle up. (Matt left to go hang with Glinsky before the kiss and stuff happened.)
I wake up with a scream and start crying. I felt a hand grabbed me and someone hovering over me. "She.. Adriana it was just a nightmare. Its okay baby girl." I could tell it was Cameron. I slowly calm down and fall back to sleep with Cameron cuddled up to me. I like that feeling, it's a... safe and comfortable feeling. I know nothing will happen when I have Cameron.
We wake up at 8 . I wake Cameron up and we go get donuts. "Wanna invite any of the other guys?" I ask. "Sure." He said. I texted the following...
Shawn, Hayes, Nash, Mahogany,Aaron, Carter. I then ran over to Glinsky and Matt and start jumping on them. "What?" Matt moans. "Let's go get donuts." I say laughing. "Donuts?" Matt sat up with a smile. "Yep." I say and he jumped up. "Glinsky? Donuts" he sat up with a yawn. And smile and said yes all of us got dresses. I was wearing a navy blue shirt and leggings. "Ugh." "What?" Cam asked. "I forgot a sweater. "Use mine." he said as he was handing to me. I grab it hesitant. "I have 2. Just take it." He responded. I smiled and put it on. When we were ready we all got in to the car. We had to take 2. If you noticed I didn't invite JJ because we are still fighting about him having a girlfriend and all that drama. We get there and end up going to Dunkin donuts. The boys were up at the front desk and I waite at a booth. I was scrolling through my Instagram and realized I now went from 8.8K fans to 10K fans in the last few days. When a girl came up to me hi can I have a picture with you, I am one of your biggest fans. "Yea, yea oh course." I said with a big smile on my face. "Thank you so much!" She said "no problem." I told her and she ran back to her friends screaming. That was so cute.t he boys came over to me and sat down. "I am going to go get a coffee." I say and stand up they all nodded  there head with mouth fulls of donuts.
I get up to the front desk and order. I get a vanilla mocha. "Here you go." He says as he set it on the counter. I go to pull out my wallet when he stops me. "Nah you don't have to pay. Its on the house" he said. "No I honestly think I should" i tell him. "No, no just .. its on the house." He said when I feel someone approach me. "No I will pay for her." It as Cameron with a jelouse look on his face he grabbed my free hand and lead me to the table. "So I hit 10K fans. Wanna do a video for it?" I ask.

(Okay so ... sorry for the short chapter. But I am not quite done with this book but when I am should I make book 2? Please comment what you think. Thank you!)

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