CHAP 17- hanging out.

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Adriana's POV-. We get back about 4:30 because me and Glinsky walked downtown and stuff. I get back to the room and plop down next to Cameron he leans over and kisses me.i smile. "They have a carnival and I wanna go with you. Please...." he begged. "Okay" I say giving in, as he pulls me in for another kiss.but the kiss happed to end up being a makeout session. We just mess around until bout 5:00. Then we get ready to leave. I text the guys and none of wanted to come. Because they have "better things " to do.
We leave and we get there in about 15 minutes. "I am paying for everything." He says. "No your not." I say. "Yeah I really am." He replied. I just ran to the gate. "Hi would you like to go on rides ?" She asked yes can i have two brackets please. " I say "give me your arm." She said. She put it on. And then she showed me how to put on the other one. "Thank you." I say and pay. I walk up to Cameron (cause he walked) and grabbed his wrist. "I got us braclets for the rides." I say. He frowns. "I said I would pay."he says and i told him I didn't care. "What do you wanna go on?" I ask him. "How about the ferris wheel?" He said. "Sure." I reply. As we were boarding I quickly grabbed his hand.

Cameron POV-.
Adriana quickly grabbed my hand.  As we got in the cart. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. "Nothing."she says. "You don't like heights do you?" I ask. "No I just haven't been on one of these in like forever." She replied. I tell her okay. I put my arm around her.  She clenched to my side when we started moving.

*Btw guys Dwts_8575 came up with the idea for this part. So shout out to her. Thank you Dwts_8575 for all your support.*

We got off the ride and started to walk to something Adriana likes. Rollercoasters, when we ran into some fans. Adriana released my hand and the fans started hugging me.  I took pics and most of them walked away ."Hi Cameron. I am Paige." I heard a voice say. I turn around "hi Paige." I said and she hugged me. "So who are you here with?" She asked. "I am with my girlfriend Adriana." I told Paige. "Oh. Why do you like her?" She asked me. Kinda rude. "Because she is beautiful and sweet. She has an amazing personality and she gets me." I say. And look back at Adriana. "But why her. I think you guys totally are a bad couple. I mean. Come on Cameron she is a slut." Paige said "No she is-" I got cut off by Paige making out with me. I pull away. I saw Adriana was walking off wanting to cry. I ran after her. Leaving paige. "Wait Adriana"I yell catching up to her. "Cameron. Your fans always do this. I don't know if I can keep doing this." She says crying. "Come on. You know I love you." I tell her. "This is hard but I can't." She said and left and went back to the hotel. I went back and layed  on the bed. Adriana sitting next to me. She turned off her phone and  layed down. Since she won't talk to me I texted her.
•i am sorry. But you are the only one I wanna be with. I love you and I would wait one milllion yrs. For you. I miss you. Pls answer back•
Her phone went off she slowly grabbed it and read my text. I heard her set it down and cradled into me. "Im so sorry." She said. I could fell her tears hit my bare chest."it's fine." I said and kissed her softly on the fourhead. Adriana gets up at about 5:30. I pull her back to me. "Cameron watch my back." She said. "Sorry baby I just wanna cuddle." I tell her half asleep. "Okay."she said she went  lay back down when there was a knock at our hotel door. She goes to get up when I say "stay here I will answer it."

Adriana's POV-.
I go to lay down tpwhen we hear the door. I went to go answer it but Cam got it instead. He got up and walked to the door when I realized he had no shirt on and fell asleep in his jeans from last night.i just laugh. He opens the door and we see Johnson. "Hey what's going on?" Cameron asked him.
Johnson whispered so I could hardly hear. JJ walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. "Hey" he said. I replied "hey." "Okay so I have some bad news. Taylor broke his arm. Again. And I just wanted to let you know that he is at the hospital right now. " I said. My heart dropped. "Okay. Is he going to be okay?" I asked. "Yep. Oh also I was wondering if you wanted to come out on stage tonight at the preformance tonight?" He asked. "Um.. I .. don't think that's a good idea." I told him. "Come on you'll do fine." JJ said "yeah you'll be great." Cameron added. "And for you Cameron. You are too wear all clothes while you are with Adriana. Got it?" Johnson asked. "Yeah yeah." cam replied. I just smiled at his little side comment. Johnson checked on my back after that. He said it was starting to scab and heal. He left after that a curled back up into Camerons arms.

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