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Elsas pov.

I wake up to the sun in my face. I broke into a smile

It was all a dream I said

I got out of bed and opened the curtan wider and opened the window. Then I saw dragons burned down houses. They were building houses and the smell gross.

Damn it I screamed

Then an idea came into my head. I started to get blankets and clothes. I tied them together. I tied it to my bed and I started to climb down out of my window.

When I go to the ground I flipped my cape on and I heard a yell. I turned around and saw The chief at the window with his friends too. I chuckled and I ran across the bridge to the forest.

I started to up further and further until I was a quarter away to the trolls hide out they could get this bracelet off.

I then heard Dragon screeches and I heard  yells. I went deeper into the woods until I found the oakens trading post.

I opened the door.

Oh, your majesty sunblock my own invention ya said oaken guy

I took a deep breath.

You have to hide me I begged

From whoo he asked

If people come in here if they ask if I'm here say no I said

Okay okay he says

He opened a door under a carpet under his feet.

Hide under there he says

I jumped in and I hid. The door swong open and I heard the chiefs voice.

Where is she he yelled

I could imagine him with fire in his eyes. Fear ran up my back.

Problem asked the Oakens owner

Yes my fiancee well she wandered off said the chief

Thats no good she's hasn't been here I did see a girl run south said The Oakens Owner

She's probably heading back to the ships to sail off we need to leave now said The Chief

The door slammed shut and I heard dragons screechs and I heard their wings fly south.

The oakens owner opened the hatch. He helped me out. I hugged him tight.

Thank you so much I said

Anything for her highness said The Oakens Manager

Oh you may need this he says

He takes my hand and we brought me to the barn were 5 horses were.

No no no its fine I said

You should it will make it faster to flead he says

Thank you I am in debted to you I said

No no no you go its okay you go the kingdom will need you he says

I get onto the horse. And waved him goodbye. I made a "tsk" sound making the horse go faster. The faster I get this braclete off the faster I bring down this this Viking empire to the ground.

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