part 2

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I felt like I was sitting on the docks for hours and hours. I felt sick to my stomach. I was going to be married to the enemy why didn't he just kill me. Why would he want me.

I looked on my wrist to find the leather band on. This thing stops me from using magic and it sucks I could kill everyone here and everything would go back to normal.

I felt someone behind me. And from the shadow it was the cheif.

You been out here for 2 hours He says

I know I mumbled

I wiped my tears away. The chief took a deep sigh. He was going to touch my shoulder but he stopped himself.

I got up and walked past him. I headed up to the castle gate and the vikings snickered and opened the wall. Tons of people were there, vikings, were there in the courtyard. I walked pasted them until someone had me by hands.

It was a viking. Tall big fat ugly barbarian. Thats what all Vikings were nasty barbarians so was the chief himself.

Look at here everyone the all mighty Snow Queen of Arendelle he yelled

Let go of me I yelled

Or what your going to put me jail freeze me or make me sneeze snow he laughed

He slapped me across the face. I fell to the ground. He kicked me in  the gut. All the breath came out and I chocked. I held my stomach. The guy took me by my dress and pulled me back to him.

Everyone started to laugh. The viking lifted me off the ground my hands above my head. He ripped my sleeves of my dress.

My bare arms shivered from the cold winter breeze. He felt my curves and laughed perverty. Tears threatened to fall out.

Let see what she has under her gown He yelled smirking

The crowed grew with hearty laughs and Women Giggles and snickers. I kicked and screamed.

He was going to lift my dress up when I saw someone smash their fist into his jaw. I was dropped to the ground. I knees hit the cold stone ground. My cheek was burning. My stomach ached .Tears streamed down my cheeks.

I opened my eyes and looked up and saw the chief. The guy had a bloody noise and held his jaw.I wiped my eyes quickly. He brought me into his arms and touched my cheek softly with his finger tips. Pain was in his eyes..

Help me I whispered to him

He nodded and picked me up
He saw what was wrong. He held me tight in his arms. His bear cape wrapped around me making me feel warm.

If anyone touches her......I will kill you myself with my bare hands he yelled

Everyone brought their heads down in shame.

Take him away kill him sneered the cheif

He pointed to the man who did this to me. Yells echoed through the courtyard. The man yelled and begged for forgiveness.

Two men nodded and dragged him away. The chief picked me up bridal style and carried me inside. He opened a door into the library.

He sits me down on the sofa chair near by. Tears came down my face. The pain I felt wasn't subsiding it hurt so bad. The chief took his bear fur cape and wrapped it around me.

I layed down on the couch. The chief was I front of me and had his hands on his knees. Pain and anger were in his eyes.Tears came down my face even more. It grew quite when I stopped crying.

I'm, so sorry this happened I will make sure he pays he says

He wipped the remaining tears from my eyes.

Thank you I mumbled

The chief smiled softly. I let his fingers drift on my cheek. His finger tips were rough but they made me feel better.

A viking came in, the one I froze his hand.

Oh, sorry Chief, we were wondering what you want to do with Chamblee asked

He looked to me again. Tears still dripped off my cheek. My cheek felt like it was on fire. Angry grew in him. He turned away from me to face the guy. The chief gets up and walked over to him. The chief closed the door. I could still here there conversation.

I want him to die Snotlout die I heard him yell

Okay, Hiccup calm down said Snotlout

Hiccup? I thought

Sorry, I just urge he's such a button pusher he ruins everything he just mentally hit her in front of everyone he just lost his chance I want him dead said chief

Dead wow okay said Snotlout

What asked The chief

Well okay im not disagreeing I think its a great idea he does deserve it said Snotlout

Okay I want him dead today said the chief

Okay Hiccup said Snotlout

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