Elsas Pov.
Hiccup was holding me in his arms. The smell of his hair was pine. He rocked me back and worth. My dress swayed back and worth. He had his hand on my waist and his other hand intwined with mine. Hiccups bear cape he was still weaeing it was wrapped around us both making me feel warm and well happy.
The soft music played quitely. Hiccups soft heart beat was all my ears could hear. The doors banged opened to Fishlegs.
CHIEF he yelled
Hiccup looked up tightening his grip on me.
Oh your alright, your parents here said Fishlegs
Parents I said softly
Fear went up my back.
Shh darling they don't bite Hiccup mutters in my ear
Fishlegs moved to the side and a man and a woman come in. They were vikings from the way they walk.
The women was taller then me with brown eyes and brown hair with grey strands she was maybe in her 40's.
The man was huge with a red beard and green eyes and a viking helmet. He has the same bear cape like hiccups. But Hiccups was polar bear but Hiccups dad was brown bear. Hiccups mom had the same thing but she had a black bear.
Hiccup my son boomed the man
Father, Mother said Hiccup
Ow this must be the Beautiful fiancee I heard about squeled Hiccups mother
She came dashing to me pulling me out of Hiccups arms. She opened my mouth.
Pearly whites she squealed
She took my braid and examined it and looked into my eyes felt my bones and took my foot and squeezed it. She also took my hands felt them.
Beautiful hair, Blue icey eyes, strong bones, good footing , pearly whites she would be perfect for Hiccup she's lovely said Hiccups mom
Also I'm Valka this is Stoik said Hiccups mom
It's nice to meet you I said softly
Hiccup took me by the waist.
Well it's great seeing you I'll meet you in just a moment Hiccup ordered
Shouldn't be all of us....ask Valka
Okay We'll be in the ballroom said Stoik
Stoik took Valka by the hand and they left and shut the door. I went to the music player and shut it off.
Hiccup sighed.Why are you so mean to your parents I asked
Mean asked Hiccup
You basically kicked then out and why can't I go to your meeting I asked
Because it's about Berk and I don't enjoy my parents there here because they want the share said Hiccup
Share of what I asked
Gold they want the jewels growled Hiccup
My stomach churned Hiccup couldn't have found the secret stash. Could he
What do you mean I asked
Elsa They are gold diggers they want cash and they just seem the kind and happy people well they aren't said Hiccup raising his ton
What cash I asked
Hiccup looked at me more intensively. I started bite my lips. Hiccup came closer to me. Making me step farther away. I was stopped by the wall.
My breath hitched. Hiccup took me by the waist and out his hand above my head. I felt trapped his eyes grew like flames.
Elsa are you keeping something from me asked Hiccup
No....I said while biting my lip
He looked into my eyes for answers. He wanted to know where it was all stash. He puts a dagger to my chin. My breath started to go uneven. He pulled the dagger away and kissed my cheek. I pushed him out of my way.
Elsa come on I was just joking Hiccup chucked
That was not joking you want money is that all you want I hissed
I started to walk to the door. Hiccup grabbed my hand. I was in his arms.
You want money Your just like every raider I hissed
Raider Huh Hiccup says playfully
I pushed out of his grip.
Leave me alone I hissed
Or what asked Hiccup
I'll I'll I stuttered
I took the dagger from his leather holder. I put it on my chest.
Your not going to kill yourself said Hiccup
I dug it in my arm. Blood started to drip from my cut.
Kill yourself then hissed Hiccup
I threw the dagger in the ground making it stick up from the wooden floors.
I rather grow weak and die I said
I turned in my heels and opened the grand doors and left the room.

FanfictionElsa is the new Queen of Arrendelle just days later Arrendelle is under attack. When Making a deal with the fearsome Viking King to save her Country. How far will Elsa go to save her family and her crown and her country.